Fur shed picture.

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
End of season picture from yesterday. Trapping wolves in volume is not a one man show, so to catch this many (and 5 more were salted and boxed) there is Trapper Steve, two assistants to keep up the bait piles, and I'm the skinner. He caught almost all of them in January when it was the coldest. Once it warmed up, the baits weren't as attractive. The lynx and wolverine were incidentals, the coyotes I shot. There was a big auction on the 26th offering about 900 wolves, average price was about $150. Yikes . Last year was not great for fur prices on anything but coyotes really, so it will be interesting to see what these wolves bring.


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Some great looking furs Mike! I love those dark wolves. I stared one down last September that appeared to be jet black. Looking into its eyes was very unnerving.
Wow, that's awesome. I know there is a lot of work wrapped up ion that fur. That has been one of my trapping goals for years...wolves, lynx, wolverine...okay, so that's three goals. You get the jist of it. Nice batch of fur ya got there.
Weren't wolves averaging ~$300 a couple of years ago? I Know prices dropped on a lot fur around here last year too. It sucks when that happens, but at least the low prices keep Johnny Sneakum at home where he belongs.
What method of trap? Snares or foot holds?

One of these days I am going to get off my rear, take my rifle out, and look for a lynx. Maybe when the hares rebound in a few years.
All snared Ray. Two big baits with dozens of snares on each.

Multiples snared at once or just one at a time? Seems like it would be unlikely to get multiples from a pack, but it seems likely if you got that many off two baits.
Multiples Tod. The first catch of the year was seven in one shot. No tracks leaving the area so we figure that was a pack. I think Steve caught 3 in one shot off the second snare site, with two sets of tracks leaving, which were caught a few days later. The idea, at least for increasing moose populations, is to get the whole pack.

With prices so dismal, hardly anyone is even trying for wolves, unless they are eating the other things the trapper is catching.
Multiples Tod. The first catch of the year was seven in one shot. No tracks leaving the area so we figure that was a pack. I think Steve caught 3 in one shot off the second snare site, with two sets of tracks leaving, which were caught a few days later. The idea, at least for increasing moose populations, is to get the whole pack.

With prices so dismal, hardly anyone is even trying for wolves, unless they are eating the other things the trapper is catching.

Wow 7 is crazy. What a thing to come up on.
Mike...if memory serves the last time I asked you about Lynx prices they were running somewhere in the neighborhood of $500.00 for large prime pelt......did Lynx drop as much as Wolf did?.....

Cool thread Mike. I enjoyed the pictures.

I was outside just after dusk tonight and there was enough light to see on the ice. Had a single wolf come by at a gallop. He just kept on trucking down the lake. That's the closest I have been to one so far.
Nice picture Mike! A lot of work went into that catch.

I just sold some fur at NAFA last week. Beaver and muskrat prices were about half of what they were last year. In the future I probably won’t start trapping beaver until December, that should help with the grades. However, as Steve said, lower prices do result in less competition.
That's too bad John, that's a lot of work for a sad fur check.

Steve, as far as I know there weren't any lynx offered on that particular sale, but prices are expected to be under $200 ave, top lot being maybe $380. Might be a good year to buy one as a wall hanger?

Trapper Steve has some tanned wolf hides from other years to sell. If I can get my act together I'll post some pictures in the classifieds and figure out some prices.
very neat... I see lots of traps set by local muskrat trappers here in N. AL but that's it. Curious to know if they make much money down here because it seems the furs would be less than prime with our warmer temps.