Ding Ding Ding...
We have a winner!
Dani got her ticket and room reservations last night, I got my ticket and car lined up today. I had to pay for my ticket because Delta is cheap with the FF miles. $400, not bad. Dani got her ticket free, but has to pay for her room. We have to pay for the rental car and tips, fee for my gun, Dani's using a gun provided, but that's it. My room, and all food is part of the package.
I talked to Kris the owner last night... We'll be hunting Snows, Blues, and Ross, Lesser and Greater Canadas, and ducks. We leave early Sunday, she from Jax, me from Orlando, hunt 3 days morning and afternoon - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. BTW, Monday is opening day up there. And we get back late Thursday night.
It will be a thrill.