Goodbye old girl

Nick Wansha

Active member
We just got back from the vet We just put Suzie down this afternoon. She wasn't able to walk very well with her hind legs this AM and it just got worse as the day progressed. Sadly, we knew that It was time. She was 14 years 2 months of age. She was my first dog that I had ever owned. She was a wonderful companion and hunting dog. She made us so many friends and we have tons of memories due to her. I held her in my arms as she fell asleep peacefully. Who says a big man can't cry? She will be cremated. I haven't made decoys for some time largely due to the kids being born, but I plan on making a special hollow decoy and putting her cremains inside of it so we can put her on the shelf and I can take her along and hunt with her again at least once a year. Here is a pic from this afternoon before we left home. Goodbye ol' girl. You will be missed dearly.... Nick
SHR Sweet Little Suzie May 1995- July 2009
im sorry to hear that brother. I just read about the good with your new one, and before I could post, hear the bad with the old one. Only thing about dogs that isnt great, is that they simpy dont live long enough.

Please post some pics when you come home with your seasoned ribbons. travis
My sincere condolences. It's tough putting down man's best friend, we all cry-- don't matter how big or prepared we are.

I did the same thing with the remains from my "Durham", and thought about taking her out for another hunt. However, that decoy was too special for me to loose in a tide shift so she remains on my mantle. Thanks to Yukon Mike for the decoy.

Once again, sorry for your loss.

The toughest days of my life were the days that I lost my chessies. I really feel your pain. Even though I have Gus to replace Jake I well up every time I pass his grave. I am truly sorry for your loss. Jack

I'm sorry her time to depart you has finally come. You had a long time with but, it is never long enough.

Let um roll brother...... We have been there just like you. The hardest part for me was finding myself looking for the cold nose a the door at lunch time or waking up in the morning to let someone out....
I am taking my kids for our walk every morning and calling it a dad walk till the puppy comes. It was just such a part of our lives.
Give our heartfelt thoughts to your family. We are thinking of you tonight.

The Butlers
My heart goes out to you and your family.
Having been there, I know what you are going through. We currently have 4 dogs that are almost the same age, and I can't imagine what it is going to be like when they are all in their golden years.

Nick ,

So sorry to hear that , it is a tough thing to face we did it not to long agowith our 15 year old lab it is not easy i feel yours and your families pain , hang in there brother .

Dave M
Sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy to lose a good dog. My best to you and your family.
Jim S
Nick - My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. I know the sting of losing your best friend. It hurts. I'll lift you and your family up in a prayer. I trust the good memories flood your memory... Pat
Nick, Our thoughts are with you. Beware the man who doesn't cry when he loses his best friend. She is now waiting at the rainbow bridge with lots of great company.
Nick Im sorry to hear of your loss, this is a double wammy I had to put my Black lab down MEG with the same thing on the 27TH of July 2 days earlyer.
We are Grieving together buddy, so lets those tears role because I am as Im writing this reply. Meg was a 11 years old.May are dogs be waiting for us when all us waterfolwlers get to that big marsh in the sky, so grieve with me Buddy and let the tears go.
take care
Sorry for your loss of a dear family member.The heartbreak of the loss can never be filled ,except the joy of a new pup.
Nick, very sorry for your loss. Suzy was a ball of energy and I still remember meeting her at one of the LP shows so many years ago. I remember thinking, "how is anyone going to control that dog?". Well, you did right by her and I know she had a wonderful life doing what she was born to do. Hope to see you down at Avon this fall, Jim
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughfulness. It really helps. It wasn't any easy thing to do, but it was the right thing to do. We have Lily at home, but she will never fill in the gap left by Suzie.

I'm truely sorry you had to say goodbye. Noone should have to endure the pain that is felt when our furry buddies near the end and leave decisions to be made.

After my father passed, a very wise, and very close friend of my family encouraged me to tell stories of him to honor fond memories. He believes (as well as I now), that our loved ones will live on in the stories we tell. I think that's good advice and has helped me enjoy memories of my old Dog and my Dad.

Tell stories, laugh, and remember the good times and all those little quirky things that made you and your family come to love her so much.

To Suzie, Cheers!
Nick, My familys thoughts and prayers are out to yours,Its a hard thing to swallow the loss,but the vet gave me a good thought to ponder when I went through the same and it is: think of all the good times shared,not the loss,big men do cry.I still think of my Gunner,shes the one in my post pic.Hang in there it does get better,Brian Rippelmeyer