Craig S

Active member
Here are some other pictures from the Classic Coastal Hunt with the two Gene's:

"Chase" (background) with GOOSEZILLA, the Canada with the "10 foot wingspan"... Gene is in the foreground...
View attachment ChaseWithGooseZilla122908.jpg

Gene carrying 3 Brant; see the one in his waders?!
View attachment GenewithaGaggleofGeese12290.jpg

The end of "Shooting Time". I know for one I didn't want the day to end... I could almost hear Elton John singing in the background "Don't let the sun go down on me"...
View attachment TheEndofNJDuckHunt122908.jpg

This was such a majestic view (see pic below), the camera didn't do it justice. But you might be able to see the sliver of a crescent moon about 2 inches up from the horizon about 2 inches from the right side of the pic, and if you go up diagonally and left from the Crescent, you can see a small white dot that I think is the planut Venus. You could almost hear the "5th Dimension singing "Aquarius" (that's for the Old Timers on this site):

"When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

View attachment CrescentMoonandVenusNJDH122.jpg

Nuff of the music and lyrical stuff. Here is one last pic of a duck hunter heading back to port...
View attachment GeneHeadingInfromNJDH122908.jpg

Hope you all enjoyed the pic's!

Happy New Year to all on!!!

View attachment ChaseWithGooseZilla122908.jpg
View attachment GenewithaGaggleofGeese12290.jpg
View attachment CrescentMoonandVenusNJDH122.jpg
View attachment TheEndofNJDuckHunt122908.jpg
View attachment GeneHeadingInfromNJDH122908.jpg
Everybody, The pics don't do the day or the goose justice. That was one of the two largest Canada geese I have laid hands on and Gene folded him up good.

I had a TERRIFIC time hunting with both these gentlemen. I've had the pleasure of hunting with both of them before but this was the first time all three of us got together. A testament to these fella's... We had one nice flock of brant work the decoys very well. All three guns roared, several times. I knew I had one, Craig was sure he had two, then Gene claimed one. Amazing part, we all agreed which birds were which. Rarely ever happens, even with experienced hunters.

Thanks for a great day guys!

Gene Jr.
This was an absolutely outstanding hunt. Craig, The pictures are GREAT! There are so many times one wishes he had a camera to capture the moment but never does. This is awesome to have a little piece of that day to show others. As many of us have spoken about on this site. The hunt is not only about the killing, there is so much more than meeting your bag limit. This hunt encompassed all those features to truly make it memorable. These gentleman were some of the best I have had the honor of sharing a spread with. Yes, Thank You Gene Jr. for making it all happen.

I am sure many of you are in awe right now but I need to come clean. The goose did not actually have a 10 foot spread, Craig has embelished a was only 9'6".

Take Care,
Those are some awesome pictures of an awesome hunt!
Did Phoebe and Trista make the trip with you?
BTW.... you should sign yourself up for the show, "Don't Forget The Lyrics"!
Yes, I am old enough to remember that song by the 5th Dimension.
Hi Craig

I want to complement you on the pics - well done, and the last is one of the best that I have seen in a while with the hunter looking back, the cresent moon, sunset and balance of all parts. Please tell me what camera ? I am about to take the plunge into digital and to shoot birds in flight that is a big investment in camera/lens but I am wondering if a point and shoot for all other shots might be worth considering for now.

The sharpness, color and depth of field in your shots is great !

Thanks for any info.

Thanks Sarge.

You won't believe it, but I took those with a point and shoot Canon PowerShot A-540 digital with 6 Mgpixels. It has provided me some great photos if I am not set on wanting telephoto zoom shots (it only goes 4X). It isn't waterproof though, so it's not a "rainy day" camera and even during bluebird days you still take a risk having it around water.
Boyd! How ya doing?

No, didn't bring Phoebe or Trista on this hunt. They stayed home in their warm house.

I figured a few might remember that old tune. Of course, the only reason I knew the song was cause of my older sister who was my senior by 7 and 1/2 years. [(;^D
Hi Craig,
I am doing great!
I went out today for an afternoon Pheasant hunt.
Max and Duke look depressed in the photo, because I told them that it may be the last hunt of the season. LOL
I saw about 35 birds today. Seven of them were roosters.
I hunted at Lake Pahoja with my dogs today. We worked through the foodplot, but only got up one bird, a rooster, that was just out of range. I took note of where he went and worked my way down toward the lake to the cattails. We thoroughly combed the cattails with no birds. The dogs got birdy, but no birds got up. The ice is thick enough to walk on now, since I saw several ice fishermen driving their pickups on the ice. So, being confident that the ice was safe, I crossed the creek channel and we worked the cattails on the south side. Nearing the end of the thick cover, both Max and Duke got real birdy and Duke went on point. Just as I took another step, a rooster got up 5 yards ahead. I shouldered my gun too hastily and missed on my first shot! Yes, it's true, I missed! I connected solidly on my second and the 1 1/8 oz. load of #3 Federal Black Cloud dropped the bird stone dead. As I opened my gun to reload, Max put a second bird into the air. All I could do was watch where it went. Max made the retrieve and delivered the bird to hand. Having reloaded, I headed out again to try to intercept the rooster that had just flown. It was tough going and I questioned my dedication to the sport, when I saw a large number of birds flying into the same cover that the earlier rooster had just flown into. Making our way back to the far corner, where you found that nice dropped antler, we got up birds a plenty, but all were just out of range. All of the birds, but one flew out of the hunting area, onto private land. I watched as the rooster headed back toward the foodplot. Doing an about face, the dogs and I headed back north. It was a cold walk with a steady 30 mph wind in my face and 15 degree temps. We got to the food plot and walked it to the end. When we were 50 yds. from the end, birds started to get up. First a hen, then another, then four. Birds kept getting up progressively further and further ahead. Pretty soon, they were too far ahead to take an ethical shot then naturally, four roosters got up! All I could do was watch. It was encouraging seeing that many birds left in such a heavily hunted area, that late in the season. Tired and wanting to take the easiest route out of there, I headed back south towards the walking path, which was free of snow. Just five yards short of the path, Duke got very birdy and began zig zagging through the switch grass. Suddenly a rooster got up, seemingly already at full speed! It cut across at a hard left to right angle. I had only enough time for one shot and I swung hard through the bird, slapped the trigger on my Citori and the bird folded like a house of cards! Craig, it was one of the best shots I have every made! I am also impressed with that Federal Black Cloud! Man does that stuff work! I used to say "Nothing kills 'em dead, like lead", but this stuff is a close second. Duke made a nice retrieve and we headed for home. Freezing rain and snow on tap for the weather tomorrow. I don't know if I will go out or not? If I do, I may try an area close to home.
Take care my friend.
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Looks like you had another classic hunt Boyd. Fantastic and thanks for sharing. I think I am going to come out in November this year and January 2010! Love chasing those wily birds in the cattails.

You can justify shooting "Black Cloud" since you hit almost everything you shoot at. But someone like me, who misses flying elephants, can't afford to shoot the stuff.

As always, great to hear from you.