Great Falls, Montana

Dwight Harley

Well-known member
I am going to an interview in Great Falls soon. I don't know that part of Montana very well but I have been doing some homework on the internet. Of course the Chamber of Commerce and the prospective employer tell me it is the best place ever. I sure would appreciate comments from anyone who knows that part of the country or has llived there. Of course the hunting and fishing appeals to me, but I need to consider quality of life issures for my family as well. Thanks all.
I know the area pretty well but not much about the school system or living in town. At little less than 60,000 people, it's still the third largest city in MT and is located near where the Missouri River enters the plains. The blue ribbon section of the MO is upstream but an easy drive on I-15 and the river around GF holds walleye and sauger. Excellent proximity to the Rocky Mountain Front, Glacier Nat'l Park, several smaller island mountain ranges and the Missouri Breaks. Be aware that it often can be VERY windy (like 40-60 mph) on a daily basis up that way and GF is located in a pretty wide-open valley. Good access to upland bird hunting in addition to the waterfowling Dutch mentioned. You have to hunt early in the season if you're into waterfowl diversity as the main flight, except for mallards, honkers and goldeneyes, generally passes through very quickly. The MO holds birds as long as it's open which is usually through the early January end of the season. Although a spectacular place and not bad ducking on a weekday, Freezeout is largely a firing line situation for the snow goose passage but a good place to get a swan if you draw a permit (not too difficult).
I really don't have much to add to D.J's description, he's pretty right on. Great Falls economy has been based on surrounding farming, mostly wheat, barley and cattle hay operations. But the largest single influence since the start of the Cold War is Malmstrom Air Force Base. It is still a big deal but has been winding down as the Cold War ended.

Hunting in the 100 miles around Great falls is weird as driving down some old gravel country road in farm country you will come up on a fenced in nuculear missle base. It's hard to tell which ones are still manned underground and which have been abandoned. You would think they would be far off the road and enclosed by rings of security. These are right next to the road with a serious warning sign and a tall barb wire fence and lots of security cameras. I have ofeten wanted to drive up to the gate to see what if anything would happen but haven't got the nerve. I'm told that security in a helicopter would be there pronto.

Anyway those of us west of the divide love going east of the mountains to hunt pheasant, huns, sharptail, mule deer, antelope and some elk, plus the duck hunting is very good. if you are interested in paleontology, that area is famous for dinosaur digs. my buddies found a complete big dinosaur skeleton while hunting antelope.

The wind is bad, but they have a lot more winter sun than we do west of the divide. Make sure you bring your duck boat, Freezeout Lake is much better hunted by boat.
What is the job for? Tell me so I can apply too!!!!!

I was by Freeze out lake in July of '05... lots of birds... I would guess not very deep.
Good luck on your interview Dwight. Montana is my favorite state, although I've never been to Great Falls. Keep us posted...
Dwight, Everyone has his own idea of what makes a place the best place ever. For an outdoorsman Great Falls has a lot to offer as has already been said. There's also Benton Lake Refuge just north of town, and upland hunting in the area. For we Montanans it's a pretty big town. As for the schools, Montana students consistently out perform the national averages on the standard tests. There are two colleges in GF. My guess is it shouldn't be too small for someone from South Dakota. But about a decade age some professor back east rated it as the 11th worst place in the country to live - too windy, long winters, too small, as I recall. Different strokes for different folks. Good luck on your interview.