Great layout trip with Steve McCullough...

Rick Pierce

Well-known member
Ronnie Ladd and I went back up to Paducah to spend a weekend with Steve McCullough and hopefully get a few birds. My Dad, Mike, was able to drive down from Wisconsin, despite the winter storm that rolled through, and met us at Steve's house Friday night. A chicken cacciatore and some red wine later, it was off to bed.

Saturday morning found us in a backwater off the main lake. Steve wasn't holding out much hope, as the forecast called for bright sun and almost no wind, but as they say, you won't know if you don't go.


Ronnie setting a string of decoys off the back end of Steve's boat.


Decoys look good...


Get someone in the box and get to work!!


The rig in the mist...


My Dad splashes a bluebill of my favorite pictures in a long time...for a lot of reasons!!!

The five of us - Ronnie, Steve, Dad, Brian Moneymaker, and I - ended up limiting on 'bills on a morning that we figured on nothing...20 drakes...

That evening was full of laughter, more wine, and more great food...Dad brought ribs he'd smoked plus sauce, and Steve cooked duck confit, pan seared duck breasts, asparagus, broccoli and the leftover cacciatore. We opened a few bottles of the shiraz my Dad made earlier this year and nine of us ate like kings and queens.

Yesterday was a "perfect" day...a mass of new birds had pushed in, the forecast was for overcast and wind, but by noon we had a drake bluebill and a hen bufflehead (perfect...good study skin!!!). We had to take one of the gunners back to the dock, and my Dad elected to get an early start to Illinois for Steve, Ronnie and I hunted a while longer. Wound up with 8 bluebills and the buffy; not a bad day by any means, but had to tough it out...

Lots of good food, good people, and good fun.

Thank you, Steve, for hosting such an awesome weekend!!!!!
It was a great trip all the way around...the birds were the reason we went, but they were a bonus to the laughter, joking, and the experience...
Prime spot to be hunting around the holidays...Even good when there is traffic...

love the hen can in that one shot great attitude any others of it. Merry Chrismas I'm off to church .... hope thry let me in, I'm a hevin tooo say the least.

I don't think I have any others of the can hen, but I'll look through the shots and see. Hope you had a good Christmas!!
Me too...regardless of the bird count, it's like Jim Ronquist said on an episode of RNT-V...

"If that don't light your fire, your wood's wet..."
Very nice! That last pic is great.

Steve looks like i need to take you up on that offer of trading out hunts! Ill send you a PM. Weve used the boat a few times, shot some birds out of it.. a little more cumbersome then the one man but its nice once you get it all out. Ill send you some pics tomorrow if i can get time.