Greaters, Greaters everywhere and only able to shoot two

Todd Langston

Active member
One thing I can say about Lake Guntersville this year is that the Greater Scaup have made it. I have been gunning for a Greater for three years now and have no such luck. The first hunt this year produced a pretty Broadbill, that is soon to be added to my diver dead mount. Had a two man limit within an hour that morning and went back this morning. Had a slow morning but still managed a two man limit and got to watch a few others in the dekes after filling that limit. I took most of last year off due to a sick dog and being fed up with guys that have no respect for anyone but themselves. Went back to an old area that has produced in the past and am glad I did. Setting the layouts tommorrow afternoon hoping for same or better results. Will post pics after the weekend hunt.
Gotta love it when the bluebills and cans finally arrive down here and flock in by the hundreds. Last Sunday, one of my best friends finally harvested his first can on his birthday and the best woodrow I have ever seen. Last year he killed his first limit and redhead (two bulls) the same day. It sure is nice to be able to help a good friend enjoy this sport as much as I do. He has went hunting with me everytime I go for the past 4 years now.



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Matt... that is just not nice....

But thanks for the great boat....

That looks like a great lake to hunt
Glad you are enjoying the boat. It is a great lake but can be a pain in the butt if you hunt like the other hunters. There are about 5% of the hunters on our lake that hunt the way I do. But we have close to 70,000 acres to pick from. Here's a couple more!!



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Broadbill are a lot of fun! Congrats on getting into them.

Good luck with the layout boats. That's my favorite way to hunt for them.
Thanks for sharing those pics. Those are some nice ducks. Are you layout hunting? Me and my hunting partner layout hunt and end up with some nice birds. It seems like that is the only way to get away from all of the OOSer's. You know the run and gun type. I think I am going tommorrow but will be solo. I will be off the next two weeks and will be hunting alot by myself. Will probably be hunting blinds mostly due to the difficulty of layout hunting by yourself. Thanks for sharing.