Has anyone been trapping?

John Fraser

Well-known member
I took my son Ethan along with me today to check my muskrat sets. We had a good time.

Has anyone else been out and have a story or pictures to share?


I have not personally but but my brother caught 8 beaver before deer season. Everything is under ice now. This is when we used to target rats but there are very few around any more. When we were kids we could go to any water that had cattails and find them. Now we don't even bother in hopes the population will rebound. Your picture reminds me of when my dad used to take me.
Sounds like your brother has been doing good with the beaver. I went after them for a few days but didn't have any luck.

We still have some decent muskrat marshes around. Although I think there were a lot more in the past.
Nice Job John,
way to keep it going. As a kid in high school I would tag along with my buddy and his brother. They made a buck or 20 running a set. It was cool then and even more so now. We got a nice sticker from the Jersey Trappers Assoc. at the show in Tuckerton.
CT has a good class and we are going to take it next year.
John, that is a very nice pic of your son and what the two of you are doing. Good luck the rest of the trapping season.
Nice job. With the price of rats this year you are at least covering the price of gas.
I rode along with a young guy checking his traps a couple of times this fall. He caught a coon, opossum and coyote when I've been along. I'll post a picture of the coyote later on. Most of them here are basically normal looking coyotes but that one was a pretty light red one.
He's been using some of those dog proof coon traps this year and last weekend learned they are not skunk proof. :)

I had shared the following post on a michigan forum a little while back so I will just cut and paste it for you guys here.

I always wondered what happens when you take your kids into the field with you over and over again. Apparently if you do it enough and are lucky when they get to be about nine years old and you ask them if they want to go check traps with you they say yes. Then when you point out to them that the weather is turning nasty and cold so you will need to pull the line in addition to a regular check they still want to go. Finally you point out that its nasty enough that you yourself are going to be a little miserable out there. Granted your still looking forward to going but its not nice out with the wind and half rain snow mix. Still the youngster is undeterred. So you agree thinking to yourself well he asked for it!

Since he is old enough now you tell him to get his gear and meet you at the truck. After all he is all grown up. He shows up with waders, coat, gloves, and a bomber hat so off you go determine to teach this kid a lesson.

Do you think he learned anything from this? Yep he learned its a blast out there and that there is something to be said for laughing at yourself and the absurdity of the weather you go out in sometimes. I am starting to worry he might enjoy this stuff as much as I do and I am not sure that is healthy!

2010-11-12 Trapping 01.jpg

2010-11-12 Trapping 02.jpg

2010-11-12 Trapping 03.jpg

Finally I had got the water line in, nothing huge but I found a few hours and set around 30 traps. First check yielded 10 rats the second check yielded 16 rats. To bad we had to pull the line on that check but traps frozen into the marsh would have been a big pain.

That is my extent of trapping till December at this point.
I use to trap but have not since the 95, I think about it a lot but time is the big factor here.
I have started to run the hounds again though! Got a Bluetick pup this spring another this summer and picked up one last week. !0 month old a six month old and a 6week old round out the kennels here. We are not putting a big dent in the coon population yet but next year look out!!


Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Its good to see other kids out there too.

Bob B, that's great that you're going to take the trappers course. Are those kids in your avatar picture going with you?
Man, I miss trapping muskrats! They were the most fun. The bonus mink were nice too!
my son will take it in the next year. He is turning 12.

My two daughters will take it when they are old enough.

You know I almost spit my coffee out a few years back. I was reading a thing that Martha Stewart wrote when I was looking for one of her recipes and she was talking about as a little girl running a trap line to catch muskrats.

Who would have thought.
You know I almost spit my coffee out a few years back. I was reading a thing that Martha Stewart wrote when I was looking for one of her recipes and she was talking about as a little girl running a trap line to catch muskrats.

Who would have thought.

Unfortunately she was corrupted by peta while in prison. She supports them now because they conned her into believing that would be good PR for here. She is anti fur for sure now.

Here is the picture of the light red coyote I was talking about.


Granted I haven't been around a lot of coyotes but I've seen a fair amount and never saw one this color around here. Farther east they seem to be more common.

That's great that your kids are taking the course too.

In NY there's no minimum trapping age. As long as a kid can pass he course they qualify for the license. I should have had my kids attend the course when I took it. I'll have to look for one this summer.

That is wild about Martha!
Here's another picture of my partner today. This same castor mound set caught a 42# beaver the day before.


In honor of the recently deceased great funny man Leslie Nielsen.
"Nice beaver."

Nothing in North American trapping is as iconic as the beaver. No joking meant here, they are a fascinating critter to me. Someday I will trap at least one so I can say I could do it. Well done.

These are from earlier this season...coon in a 160 bodygrip trap.


The dog proof traps do catch a more than just skunks...


And a days catch of 6 bandits...


All of my traps are pulled for now until after Christmas when beaver opens up. Then I'll be chasing some flat tails.

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I know last year some guys were getting averages of over $10 shipping their furs direct to FHA. I don't think those prices will hold up again this year, but I have heard of some guys selling their pelts to local buyers already and getting from $5 to $7. Hard to say what the market will do yet.
