Has anyone else noticed this white scum in tidal creeks, post Sandy

John L

Well-known member
I noticed a large decline in the number of Black ducks in some areas where we have been seeing this white scum substance clinging to everything in the tidal creeks.

Has anyone else found this in there area?

I have never noticed it this bad before. Areas that I hunt that have always had Black ducks are not holding any or very few of them now.

It looks like it some sort of white scummy coagulation that is sticking to everything in the creek bed mostly on the bottom and covering any reeds or grass that lays in the water.

In the photos it looks like it's ice formations but it is not. Temps were in the forties when these photos were taken.

I have called the DEC but have not received a call back yet.



i think it is probably dead vegetative matter from turnover that is starting to decay, but is having issues due to low temps and oxygen. It should composte quickly when your temps rise. Then you'll have healthier than ever growth next year. We had a horrid duck season this year cause of a storm in september.
I was going to say I noticed some but then they removed a nearby trailer court a couple months ago and that cleared some of it up... but maybe that's a different thing.

I hope it is just a temporary thing there and it gets back to normal soon for you.

I have seen lots of weird goo on the marshes this year but nothing that bad John
I have been seeing large circles of oily foam floating in the middle of the bay, never saw this before,not many blackducks in the marsh either!
In the past I've seen similar whitish/gray growth in ditches (not on LI) that receive a lot of nutrients. I think it's some sort of bacteria or algae that thrives on the extra nutrients.
Have you though of calling cornell college. They may be interested in how the discharge of all the sewage effected the marsh after Hurricane SANDY. I would take a sample put it in a clean plastic bag. Then see if they want to look at it.
I have seen it everywhere from Massapequa to Bellport L.I. A lot of fuel oil tanks were swept into the bays plus all the sunken boats leaking oil and gasoline. Its bad






I have noticed several algeas similar to what you are noticing on my grandfather's farm years ago. A small creek emptied in from the Mountain Valley plant that made drinks with high sugar contents...The spent sugars and other ingredients would leach down in the main creek...In late fall the temperatures and sunlight would kills off blue-green algae blooms...The dying algae would then die off turning a milking white color looking similar to the pictures you are showing...I am not expert and do not want this to be a testimony of what you have seen...I would make a fair assumption what you are seeing is because of either petroleum or high alcohol sugars in the water...

I sent a sample to SIU (Southern Illinois University) that confimed the blue-green algae bloom was caused by massive amounts of sugars and ingredients from the plant. They were forced to build a holding pond to neutralize the ph before emptying into the creek...It killed massive amounts of bluegills, bass, carp, and other inhabitance downstream as it emptied into the Ohio River...If the case may be it is an algae of this nature keep your dog away that stuff is dangerous...
