Hey Carl and other trappers

The new June/July issue of Outdoor Life has a one page pic with short story of a guy named Phil Brown in Pennsylvania. It is in the Snapshots section of the mag.
The pic is mind blowing(at least to me).
He trapped over 1200 foxes in one season.
Not sure if scanning the pic and posting it here is legal and it probably wouldn't turn out good enough anyway.
So if you gat a chance, check out the mag.

By the way, there is also a pretty good write-up of building your own stich and glue canoe.

Jim Miller
1200?!? How long is the season down there? If it was three months long he'd have to catch over 12 a day. Are you sure he didn't buy a few?

From November thru January.
He owns more than 5000 traps.
Averaged 190 miles per day on his truck checking his sets.
I scanned it, but it's a big file.
I'll email it to you.

Here's a link to a site that has a picture of his catch. Click Here People who know him say this is 100% legitimate.
I'm guessing that coyotes haven't taken over his part of Pennsylvania, yet.

Now that is a pile of red fox. I can't imagine the amount of time & effort it took to run that long of a trap line!
This guys must be a serious full-timer during the season.
ok I'll bite , whats the going rate on a fox pelt ? times 1200 !
if possum gets popular I'm gonna be rich , RICH I tell ya !