Hey Hank, ever turn a decoy.....

Eric Patterson

Staff member
I know you can turn calls with it but it might be good for turning those Sutton football decoys on (that one goes back at least 6 years). I did the math on the Oliver lathe versus others and ended up landing it, just barely, less than $10 difference. Looks like I'm making a desk for Michelle and maybe a bed too (not another boat bed) so it ought to come in handy. This is one piece that I won't have to restore. It's plug and play even though its 33 years old. The Army takes good care of their woodshops. After searching for a long time one shows up less than 5 miles from where I sit.

Hopefully the next old iron acquisition will be yours. I know Michelle has it this was my last one. She's right, at least for the time being.


Great find Eric!! I am going to try and pick up a small bench lathe Saturday on a trip thru Nashville at Woodcraft. Iam going to give call turning a whirl this summer.

Feel free to come over anytime and work in my shop. Be careful of Woodcraft stores. People have been known to go in and come out broke yet with big smiles on their faces.
Nice work Eric. I was hoping that you would get that one. Great job. That is one nice lathe. You will have a blast with it for sure. Eric I really like the looks of the WT 16", Oliver 18" and the Yates Snowflake 20" is really sweet. Keeping my eyes open. Talk to you later now get going on that bed. I know that will not be the last one either. :) HHG