Hey Hitch


Well-known member
You live in a beautifull piece of country.

Once I got my family out of the condo (Which took some doing) we had a chance to see a piece of the real Florida.

I wish I could see the lagoons when the ducks are really in, I bet it is really something.

The coolest part of the trip for me was running across a pair of otters on the trail at Pelican.

Believe it or not, there are still plenty of puddle ducks here too. I know the trails you're talking about. The cool thing to do when on those trails is to bring waders and wander off the trail... into the sloughs there. I'm sure there are still Wigeon, Pintail, and Hoodies, plus the other migrators are still here. I haven't been out because there's too much going on at work, but have had reports of huge flocks still here. Must be global warming. Anyway there are a crapload of Rosette spoonbills there as well. You can get right up to them in the sloughs. Not sure if your suppose to venture off the trail, but how else are you to get some close-up photos :)

Glad you had a good time.


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