Hi I'm new

Hello All,
After like 2 years I finaly got registered I am realy happy to finaly be onboard .I have been a hopless waterfowl addict since the early 80'sand along the way I have had 4 labs 2 are gone and 2 are still here the 2 that have passed on were some real caracters and I miss them dearly . Boats I have hunted out of just about anything that will float short of a log or a surfboard and I have never gunned out of a sneakbox ,I hope that this will not bring any hard feelings I just never knew anybody who had one to let me huntout of one . As far as the boat thing I realy ran the gamet I started with a 12 ' sears johnboat upgraded to a 16' gruman john then a tdb 14 and the last boat that I just sold was my pride and joy A17' DUCKWATER BOAT my all time favorite I have racked up a lot of bad debt from a bad relationship with a crazy women and I had to let it go . But after the crappy season I had this year being boatless Ill be back next season with a new boat you can believe that . My hunting areas are vast mostly the coastal marshes of NJ and the Delaware River both tidal and the nontidal areas around bucks county as of late we are trying to put the smack down on the snows we hunt them in P ennsy and Jersey mostly down the Delawre bay . Decoys my garage is so full of decoys you can barely turn around most of wich I carved myself something like 200 or better no blueribbon winners just straight shooting blocks some need to be chucked there pretty banged up but they still pull the birds in lately I have been using builders foam and a pine bottom board with a cedar keel ,cedar head burlap and tile mastic lead the keel enough and they ride like cork and alot cheaper . Well aside from the flyfishing and tying thats me in a nutshell I realy love to be out on a saltmarsh with the sonds of the wind and the fowl and I hope to be around long enough to see alot more seasons thanks for letting me join .
Welcome Steve,
You have found IMHO the best place to hang out in cyber. Everyone here is like family, we respect each other and some times dissagree :eek: Anything waterfowl goes and park the BS at the door. Think hard about building a boat since you are without one now(sorry bout that). Some times I feel a bit like a drug pusher urging guys to build but it sure has been a ride for me and am planning the next one. This is the place to get all the answers and then some.
After reading it all, I would have to say that you qualify! Welcome to a great site. I know what you mean about being a duckaholic. I have been one since the early 50's.