hiding a boat

Jeff, you need to do more than netting and paint, it may work well in some instances but overall it does not work on wary puddlers here.

Dave hit the nail on the head, you need to really cover the top also, it only takes 1 peek down in the opening and the birds are gone.

We have no trouble putting puddlers in our face on Champlain, this is what my boat looks like and it is a 1760 with a 36 ProDrive on it.

Youth weekend with my daughter, extra green (cedar) for the early season


Later: I pulled all the green after this picture was taken....but we still killed a limit of mallards and blacks :)


Hank, thats a nice looking rig you got there....

Jeff, I have almost all of the top of my blind closed off, except where the hunters sit with their heads poking through the roof. Some days I do good on puddlers, some days I don't.

My previous boat though, had the top exposed. I always felt that that was a weakness. Post a picture if you can of your boat, we all like looking at other people's stuff :) :)

John Bourbon
Hey Dave good to hear from you. I have worked out the bugs with the boat. Took out the floor got rid of the old wet improperly mixed foam and replaced it, sealed the mounts and replaced the floor. I did notice the same thing about the blinds when comparing the TDB with the Duck water boats. It is a big opening. Late in the season i did start to drape the cockpit with camo netting. Unfortunatley, the days I went out were warm and calm with few ducks flying so i dont know if that helped. I will tell you I have no problem getting merganzers to come in ,I think i am a Merggie Whisperer.
Jeff, it is the "real" fastgrass, rafia grass, natural grass, northern white cedar and fake oak leaves. All put together adds the depth that really works well.