Hit or Miss... Brant Hunt

Michael R Braun

Well-known member
For the first trip of the season I took my dad out in the scull and shot some brant. Dad did all the shooting as I filmed the hunt.It was quick hunt as you will see. Was a challenge holding the camera and sculling at the same time. I think the video came out well. Going to work up some ideas to make it easier to film the hunt let me know what you all think I am doing away with the helmet cams and went with HD.


Fantastic stuff Mike! I've always wanted to try sculling since I've read Worth's "Big December Canvasbacks." Your video puts me in the boat. Nice job!

Good to get your dad out, Telll him its hard to knock um down when your shoting up theres butts. When we go can we skull in the other direction so they take off up wind and fly over the top.
