Home school field trip.

Took my four kids and a friend to Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge for a field trip today. We saw some wildlife including an owl, a covey of quail, doves, songbirds, a frog, a few Wood Ducks, black snake and lots and lots of butterflys. We discussed taking care of your environment as what we do an hour drive upstream has an effect on places like the refuge downstream from us, importance of refuges and the impact that one individual can have long term.
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Thanks Ken! I agree and hope to instill the importance of nature and caring for our environment even if they choose not to hunt. So far they all have some interests in hunting. It was a neat trip and saw very few people. It wasn't the same as going to a park or other place with mountains to hike or whatever. It was very cool to be able to drive through the fields that will be waterfowl impoundments later in the year. I'd like to see in there when they are flooded and at peak migration. But it's a closed area then. They do have a couple of ponds that I think are open to viewing during that time and I'm sure there is some birds to be seen then. We will have to make it a point to go back and see them and what is on those ponds. If you have a refuge nearby I would recommend a visit.
Always a good time when a family is out in nature. It would probably be worth visiting when the birds are down, I always enjoyed the times I go through Hatteras and see the many waterfowl on the refuges, makes me want to get a nice camera and sit awhile.

A very good Day indeed.

The frog photo is my favorite...

Mimics the USPS stamps I have been using for months.

Many folks do not pay attention to what is important in nature, and that is a shame.

Thank YOU for doing what needs to be done, and done correctly, IMO.

Best regards