How cold is it at your house this morning?

Brandon Yuchasz

Well-known member
Its actually nothing unusual for us to have negative temps where I live but since the news says there is an arctic cold across much of the country I figured we could take a little poll of temps from out DB members.

Here on the western end of Michigan UP it was -15 actual temps when we put the kids on the bus this morning. Yesterday they did not have school which means it had to be -35 with the windchill. That is our cutoff for school closing temps here.

I did cancel my work schedule today. I had a full 8 hours scheduled of outside work. Its going to the in the 20 next week so we are putting it off till its warmer.

So anyone have colder temps this AM?
Here in the Adirondacks ,Saranac Lake airport had -20 yesterday morning and -27 ,2 days before that. We don't get the steady winds you guys out in the Midwest but we also close if actual temp hits-35.
When I got in my truck this to morning to go watch a sunrise and no ducks flying it was 58. With one more week left in the season it's going to be in the 70's everyday. Was having to ward off mosquitoes this morning.

a balmy 8 degrees down here under the bridge, a little colder inland i think, the bays still keeping us warm here in tc
heading down to my swamp to service my Woodduck boxes on sunday.Supppose to be near 45 in the valley and I should have good ice except right on the flow of Red water brook .
Looks like I will have to take a jacket for my afternoon Everglades hunt's a brisk 67 degrees in south Florida right now.
9 degrees with snow falling at 8:54 on the Mississippi where the river runs west!
-11 yesterday with wind chills of -35 to -40. Great ice fishing last night. -2 this morning actual, don't know about the wind chill.

Mark W