anthony m coons sr
Well-known member
Over the years we have had many post on this site. Post on how to build or fix boats decoys etc. There have been post on dogs and hunts and many other fine and important things. But I would like to make this post about what have we done for the ducks. In my case over the last forty years or so. I have worked with a group of sportsmen that have built and placed over a thousand wood duck boxes. We have built mallard nest and even tried to build goose nest. We have placed over ten thousand seeds and plants over the years. On ponds, lakes, swamps ,rivers. We have tried and tried to do our best to give back to what we love. We have got children to help us and even a few gentlemen in their eighties. I know most of you do your thing to help out. I am asking you to tell us what you do. Maybe we can share new ways to give back and to keep are sport alive for ever. Thank you all. Happy Fathers Day.View attachment December 2018 photos from Galaxy 841.jpg