How many little trick or treaters did you guys get?

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
Its only 6:30 here right now and they are just starting, but over the last several years we get less and less. Its cold tonight, -10C, so that will keep the big kids off the streets. If we get 30 kids I'll be surprised. What's normal for you guys?

I've never had a trick or treaters. We have a couple of hundred families here on the island but they usually go into town where the good loot is.

I imagine Mack and Meg out getting their share tonight? What are their costumes?
About the same as you maybe a little more. It is the most gorgeous evening I can remember for Halloween. Must have made it to the 60's today and is still in the high 40's at 8:50. Sucks for moving ducks but if this is global warming sign me up. I might add in the past 20 years we have had snow or very cold rain on more Halloweens then we have had nice ones.

I think the treat of candy is not the draw it was in our day, can some kids tell the difference from any other day.
I also think there is fear that something bad will happen so parents are less willing to let kids go to strangers houses. When I was a kid you went all over town following the rumors of the best treats. It was likely far more dangerous back then but we survived.

So what did you dress up as? :)

Just finished handing out the candy and I kept track this year. Over 400 kids ...... Some of the kids were really greedy and rude but for the most part the little ones were cute and polite. Ended up spending over $100 on candy.
We had probably 100 or so. Warmest halloween we've had in a number of years, kind of fun sitting out on the front porch handing out candy instead of going back inside after every group of kids. We did go through quite a bit of beer too! Seems like quite a few dads get a bit thirsty while trick or treating! Man it's fun living in a small town where most everyone gets along!

Jim S
We didnt get any. Holloween we get out of here before it gets dark, stop for some dinner, and head to church where we have a Trunk or Treat event in the parking lot. This is where people decorate their cars and hand out candy. We also have games, a maze, and a play. Michele writes the play every year. Lots of churches around here do it and it's seeming to keep a lot more kids off the streets.
9:30 and I think we're done. Mostly little ankle biters and their parents. Costumes over snow suits this year. I'll wait until tomorrow and go out and shovel up all the wrappers and garbage the big kids leave behind. Actually, the kids around here are pretty good. Before 911 we got sometimes 100 kids, but now, maybe 20. Candy is super cheap at Walmart, and I don't think kids feel safe talking to strangers like they used to. When I was little we tried to hit EVERY house in Hamiota, which was about 300 homes. People handed out all kinds of weird stuff like apples and popcorn and peanuts back in the old days too. Some people just gave us kool-aid! One time I got sugar cubes from a lady who lived with 40 cats. I dunno about you guys, but my friends and I did lots of pranks then too - soaping windows, toilet papering trees, that sort of thing, nothing major.

Happy Hallowe'en!

If I had some cash on hand I was going to tell the kids in the neighborhood I'd pay them a buck for every Obama sign they brought me and 50 cents for every local democrat campaign sign. Would have really cleaned up some of the eyesores around here. Maybe in four years.
we had about 450ish maybe more. We live dead center of main street in a very small town that draws a ton of folks for trick or treat. We also do a big holiday display with alot of carved pumpkins, flying ghosts, ect. This years big attraction was our flaming pumpkin (No it wasn't dressed in pink). He had a kerosene soak tp roll a flaming away with about four foot flames. He was ropped off and had a fire truck sitting behind him though.
Just counted Large Milky Way candy bars, after I ate a couple. ;) We had less than 30 kids show up. We're not in a "high density, candy rich" area. This is much lower than last year. Guess most are going to school functions or private parties for safety. The weirdos have sure messed with this fun day.
Later guys, I've got more candy to eat.
Well my wife was out-of-town so I pulled the ol "Turn off all the outside lights, inside lights near front of house, and close blinds/curtains and hope nobody knocks." Only ended up with 1! I consider the night a complete success.
Less than 75 showed up this year. Almost as many parents, in and out of automobiles, as children. I'm afraid this is an insight into how our society functions today. Numbers down in a neighborhood with lots of children. Anyone want left over candy.