How much overhang out of a pick up bed

Mark W

Well-known member
do you think is safe? I am tiring of putting the hoefgen up on top of the pick up all the time and have started to consider selling it and getting a Fatboy as it is shorter and it has a flat stern that could be put up against the back of the bed.

My pick up bed with thetailgate down is 7' long. The Hoefgen is 15' long meaning that 8' would be sticking out (someone can check my math). As has been suggested, I can get one of the thingies that goes into the hitch and extend out 50 inches. I can build a cradle to fit the curve of the hull of the boat but I would have 8 feet hanging out the back of the truck. Think this is too much overhang?

Any other suggestions?

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Mark W
Wow Mark!!! 8' is a lot to be sticking out even if it is supported properly. Your liable to be hitting telephone poles when making left hand turns. Sound like it's trailer time to me...............Kevin
Got one Mark and love it. I put a 15 foot duck skiff, a 16 foot canoe, and a 12 foot sneak box all on mine. It works great all out of a 6 foot bed! A great and necessary piece of equipment for small boat owners.
Check your state laws about the amount you can have hanging out. Here anything over 4 ft has to have a light on it. I use a pigtail I made to clamp to the "stuff" and plug it into the trailer plug. I just found a very strong hand clamp and attached a tail light to it. I think it cost less than 30 bucks to build it.

Mark, I too have one of them.

So far I really like mine, and yes I have carried stuff hanging out over 8'. However, I have hear they are illegal in several states, and some require lights on them. I haven't been stopped yet and will continue using it until I do.

One thing I am concerned about is weight distribution. Too much weight behind the rear tires will reduce the traction of the front tires. I had this problem once haulling a bunch on siding, didn't notice it at low speeds, but once I got going, the steering didn't work well. Luckly I could just slow down and made it home, but something to thing about if your going to haul a boat regurly.
Been using one for years to haul around my (16) sixteen foot canoe or layouts & I love it!!!

Fed law states anything hanging more than (4) four feet away from rear bumper must be orange flagged.
The hitch extender works fabulous. One of best little inventions ever. My Avalanche has a very short be (app 5').
My 14' canoe is a breeze as opposed to opening the midgate. Have used it to bring home a 15' duckboat from upstate Vermont in my partners Tundra. No issue. My only rule of thumb with it is the heavy end of the item goes in the truck bed. I also use a red flag for visibility. Other than that, no issues whatsoever.


The bumper hitch extension is the way to go. I had one for my 17' canoe on my 1988 Dodge Dakota pick-up truck and it worked like a charm. Just put a red flag on the end and you're good to go. These are light weight boats and I wouldn't worry about weight distrabution.

If you're looking for a Fayboy, shoot me a PM and we'll talk (I'm looking for a BBSB).
Built my own, and have used them for years! Have 2 of different lienth's, both have lights attached under the cross bar and with the longest I can carry over 20ft. with a standard bed pick up. It looks strange but is legal (in N,J.) with a flag if end is more than a couple of ft. past the lights.
We haul 17' canoes, 14-17' kayaks, and many shorter boats sticking out of the back of our trucks. 6' beds (8' with the tailgate down) and 8' beds (10' with the tailgate down). Just use the extender and put a good red flag on the back. We have blaze orange hunting vests on shower curtain hooks we just snap them on the back of the boats anytime the tailgate is down. Trailers are handy at times, but not as simple as just sliding it in the back.

I bought a used Carsten's Pintail from a gent that had one of those bed extenders along. He sold it to me on the spot and I haul that pintail and my grumman sport boat in the back of my Honda Ridgeline. I make sure there is some padding up against the cab bor the point of the pintail and tie it in evenly. Works great.

What is a [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica] Hoefgenand how much does it weigh? If it is light like a canoe, I don't see a problem with it. If it is something heavy, you may have problems.

Well, to answer your question, although the extenders work, and have their place for short trips or ocasional use, I prefer to get my boats up on top. I feel they are safer there. I have carried 16 foot lumber out the back of a long bed (8 feet beyond the taillights (which I think when you are talking about legality, that is the measuring point)) I did it in broad daylight, flagged and I stuck to sideroads as much as possible. I would assume you want to get to the launch before first light, I'd agree with Kevin that it is trailer time...or go with Matt's idea of a clamp on light to mark it well...still won't stop some drunk from smacking into it with it out that far.

On to the Flamingo story...

End of the season, last year I hunted in Illinois. We had a lease on a lake about 20 miles from our house (which is a long way from home, as the previous 3 years we were 1/4 mile from home). We went to pick up the last of our stuff, my dad, two of our partners (both named Joe) and myself. My dad went with Joe #1 in his pickup, I jumped into Joe #2's I am getting in, I see he has a bunch of stuffed animals on the floor. As I am being careful not to get them all dirty with my boots, Joe says "Don't mind those, I'm going to take them out to the gravel pit and shoot them!"

Any way, cut to the chase, we get the last of our stuff, including a 17 foot canoe, loaded, the canoe in Joe#1's truck, and he says "I need a red flag", we're searching around...nothing. I go back to Joe #2's truck and say "how about a pink flamingo?" Joe #1 starts to get whiny as we take this stuffed pink flaming and tie it to the end of the canoe by it's legs. The more we tease him, the louder he whines. Half way home, Joe #1 pulls into a gas station and starts pumping gas, we pull in, roll down the window and both shout "NICE FLAMINGO!" He didn't say anything, just hung his head in shame...
I wouldn't think you would have a problem with that little thing. Hang a red flag on the end.
