Hunter shot and killed

The posted comments makes one wonder if people have a mind, a soul, or a spirit, that is not mean spirited by nature (sickos)

I hope his family does not read them.

May in his families time of need, I ask the Lord be with them and comfort them..Amen

I cant believe some of the things i read in the comment section, WOW people are really stupid. TO even think about cracking jokes,definate ignorance. Its part of the game we play, accidents happen.
What a tragedy. But what is overshadowing these horrific accidents are the numbers of individuals that think it is funny to make sadistic/sic remarks. The one thing we all need to remember is that they are hiding behind the computer and basically are afraid to show their own names. I wonder what the parents of these sick people would think if they saw this type of thing?
I noticed that all of the sick bastards making jokes about this tragedy are hiding behind silly e-nicknames. I believe you should stand behind your comments with your real name.