I Did It!

Rob Robertson

Active member
Graduation at Oklahoma State tomorrow for the last Son. All three Son's with Bachelor Degrees, One Masters degree, Three Daughters in law, One Grand Son, Everyone with their own place to live. Everyone with a job. I did it and Im only 48. Lots of Hunting left in Me. Now I need a Reward. What should I buy?




A nice, quiet, vacation with the wife is in order...

...then draw up a list of things you don't have/would like to have, with costs - and do a pro/con analysis for each. I think you'll find something (or more than one) that you will be buying.

Wish I were in your shoes :)

Congratulations. I'd buy a nice bottle of wine and a secret weekend place for you and the wife. Then start your search for something
"Now I need a Reward. What should I buy?"

Sounds like you need a much bigger boat, to fit all those daughter-in-laws and grandson, with alot more decoys and maybe a quality retriever for each of the boys. :>)


Best - Paul
I'm sure that you and your wife will plan something together that will be "Forever Lasting". Have fun making that decision on what you would like to do or have. Congratulations, to both of you on raising such a marvelous family. Enjoy
Very well deserved Congratulations are in order!

Take you wife for a nice weekend getaway.
Preferably close to good hunting and fishing spots......
you need a nice relaxing guided hunt to NJ for some Brant, Sea ducks and divers. I set you up in a very nice hotel overlooking the ocean and dont forget a 1/2 dozen of Hillman decoys, right Jode to hunt over while you are here. LOL

BTW in all seriousness congrats on the accomplishment!
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Way to go Rob,
I am envious of guys like you. I will be 60 before my youngest is on the end of her college years.
That is some family you have.
I would get something that you can enjoy with those grand kids.
Family is the one thing you can count on for the measure of your life. Looks like you and your wife have quite a bit to be proud of.
Congrats Rob! I've been done for ten years and my next milestone will be retirement.

Congratulations. That must feel good knowing that the whole family is doing well.

My youngest son is five, still got a ways to go.
Congratulations. My daughter just wrapped up her Freshman year there. Got her moved back to Chandler Thursday. Celebrate by not writing a check to the Bursers Office.
