i got my dream job

thanks RD Nelle, ill keep that in mind for later.
Cant wait to go to work this morning maybe ill go check out the pike marsh, but one never knows
Indeed this is a discussion forum and I think it is always great to hear opinions on a topic.

This thread, however, is about a young guy getting his dream job, so it would be courteous (another social nicety we should be trying to instill in younger generations) to move an argument about the ethical considerations of filing for unemployment to PM or you could create a separate thread on the topic.

Sorry for the continued derailment Chris and congrats again.


I'll leave the umemployment issue lie...I know where I stand, and I think you do too. However, this forum has never been known for staying "on topic"...never has, hopefully never will. The best discussions come from the biggest derailments, and I "as a moderator" will never discourage "off topic" discussion. Also, if you read my reply carefully, I clearly stated in my post "just one man's opinion..." Though I am a moderator, I am also a member and am free to participate in any discussion with as much but no more lee way than any other member here. If I'm arguing a point, that is me as a person, If I'm telling someone to "stop" whatever they are doing, that is the moderator speaking. Even with that said, I still hold back in may instances where I would normally post, not because I would think anything was wrong with the statement (coming out of any member), because I don't want to deal with the wining of "you should be better than that...you're a moderator" You guys wonder why Steve left...because he was sick of being stuck in the roll of a moderator and missed the fun of being a member.

Chris, sent you a PM, get back with me on that...and I'll never apologise for a good ol' derailment...never!


PS Duckboats.net = soapboxes for everyone!
so chuck still hasnt poked fun at my professional carver commet. i was looking foward to his dry, satyrical humor when i got home from work.

any way i got to stock 25000+ brown fry today, now thats a lot of trout!!!!!!
Chris, I began my career with the CT DEP wildlife division in 2001. I worked one seasonal term, and then decided the future was too tough a road at that point, so I took a desk job in a family business making really good money, benefits, etc. At 23 years old, the money was too much to pass up. in 2005, I realized money couldn't buy happiness, as I was miserable sitting behind a desk all day. I gave it up, headed west, and got back into a wildlife career. I have been working in wildlife since then. I have worked for 2 state agencies seasonally, and 4 wildlife oriented private businesses, plus started my own (failure haha) of a business. I've also worked part time doing retail, carpentry, landscaping, and more odd jobs than I you ever imagine to make ends meet. I have never been fired, always asked to come back, and the only job I've ever quit was because it required more time away from home than I care to spend at this point. As I've aged, and used life experiences to make the decision that CT is where I want to be, I have ultimately decided to stick it out and try to get into CT DEEP as a biologist. In between all of that, there were times I could not find work, and LUCKILY, CT does allow you to collect in between seasonal positions, otherwise I'd have had to abandon my hopes by now, and moved on to a life that is in no way what I want it to be.

That being said....DO NOT take my writing as a deterrent, you will have far more fun in your career than your buddies who chose more run of the mill careers. Just don't expect it to be easy!

One word of advice that will make your life easier....don't judge people based on what they write on the internet. It only stands to make you look bad.
being outside and working with the deep or a related agency would be perfect. i still dont know my exact path fisheries,wildlife, ect. i didnt mind landscaping/masonry but i was tired of that family bussines. as for where i want to be id rather not stay in ct, jobs are easier to get elsewhere and i would like to live in a different atmosphere

you never know what the future holds so i gues ill go with the flow for now
This may be a little off topic, but out here in the northwest our hatcheries club there fish(salmon) to death because they think they are genetically inferior to wild salmon even though scientifically by the DNA you cannot tell a difference. It's all political over who gets the money, electrical power or the wild salmon groups.
i dont think we do anything with salmon, mostly trout. but tommorow i get to go night shocking to check walleye populations, i cant wait. i have wanted to this since i was a kid and saw it on jimmy houston