I left work at 5 and the Cards

Eric Patterson

Staff member
were up 5-1 over the Mets in the 5th. I get home from Thomas' baseball game was SHOCKED they lost 8-6. With 6 games left they trail the Braves by 2 games for the wildcard. Barring a miracle they will come up short. So dissapointing. We've watched almost every game on MLB TV and really enjoyed it. Don't want it to end missing by a measly game or two to a team they beat 5 of 6 meetings. RATS.
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My dad has been a Cards fan since before Stan the Man.
I'm a Mets fan so he asked me to take it easy on him this week. I told him I'd try but there is only so much I can do. :) It's too bad the series wasn't in NY, the Mets stink at home.

It still wouldn't shock me if they caught the Braves, they are not playing nearly as good as they were.

I hope Thomas' baseball game went better for you.


They tied 5-5. I hope you are right and the catch the Braves but simple math says with 6 games left if the Braves lose two the Card will have to go undefeated just to meet them in a one game series to determine the wildcard team. If the Braves lose half their remaining games the Card still have to sweep the cubs and the Astros.
It still wouldn't shock me if they caught the Braves, they are not playing nearly as good as they were.


Well dang Tim, you were right. The Cards caught them last night. In both the NL and AL it is coming down to the last game and maybe one more as a tie breaker. Cards now control their own destiny. What a great finish for MLB.
What a great finish for MLB.

Well, I still think my Red Sox may limp into the post season, but "great finish" isn't the phrase that comes to mind in New England these days.
I've been away from a computer for a few days but had to sign in just to congratulate you Cards fans. Heck of a night of baseball.

Well, sorry Jeff. I can't say we have a whole lot of pride in our .425 Orioles these days, but they sure weren't ready to roll over and die!
Well, sorry Jeff. I can't say we have a whole lot of pride in our .425 Orioles these days, but they sure weren't ready to roll over and die!

Hey, we're used to it. Feels like 1978 and 1986 to me. And the Sox sure didn't deserve to be playing in the post season, and I don't think they'd have done much if they sneaked in.
What an awesome night of baseball. I've got to give credit to the Phillies. They had wrapped up their playoff spot long before the last week of the season yet they played the Braves hard like the season was still on the line. The Phillies could have given a losing effort to the Braves and then meet them in the playoffs instead of the Cards (who beat the Phillies 3 out of 4 a week and a half ago) who are clearly the stronger than the Braves.