Immigration bill no has changed - cloture vote today.


Well-known member
It is now S1639

They changed it on June 18th I believe. Sneaky Bastards!!

You can read it at

Just search by bill number.

They vote on Cloture today at 1130. A "no" vote on cloture would permit more debate. A "yes" vote would close debate.

E-mail your senators ASAP.


I haven't checked to see if the cloture vote passed or not. If, the cloture vote fails the bill cannot be brought up for a vote so "essentially" dies. Although, this "bill" is on its' second life this legislative session.

Here in OH we know have a Dem and Repub senator. When I wrote them both a couple of weeks ago I got a rply from the Dem and was surprised at his response. His concerns were tied to NAFTA and CAFTA.

And they re-named it too. It's now the Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007. You would think they were talkin about someone from Planet X with a name like that.

Next time it'll be the save all cute little puppy dogs act of 2008
isn't it necessary to renumber when the first one failed? And if you're renumbering one that failed wouldn't you also rename it? I mean if you made a movie and it bombed, would you re-release it with everything the same?

So how is that "sneaky"?

The old bill; they voted no on cloture. It didn't fail, they gave up on it.
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gave up, failed? Either way it sure wouldn't make sense to bring it back in its original form with the original name.....

So I'll ask for the THIRD is it SNEAKY to bring back a subject under a different number and name?

Cause it's de gubment dammit! It failed, why would they re name it and try to send it back through? They need to add a bunch of pork to it??
in fact sold 10 of em......had a Crispy Creme too......(3) of em in fact....

O.K. so now I've answered your about answering mine.....

Cause it's de gubment dammit! It failed, why would they re name it and try to send it back through? They need to add a bunch of pork to it??

Yeah, that's it.

You know, I tried to leave my opinion out of it Steve. I can honestly tell you I don't believe any of these bass turds anymore. I'll never be a socialist or a commie but these Bass Turds are all bought and paid for... ALL of them. And this thing is proof. Anyone that buys into this bill is a sell out.

There, ya happy!!!

and I thank you for the reply.....warms my heart to hear you say that "both sides of the line" are the same.....

Remember what Pogo said........"I HAVE SEEN THE ENEMY....AND IT IS US".....

Hitch is correct E-mail your Senators. I've E-mailed and called both of mine. This is not the correct forum, but this bill is just plain wrong. Why have laws if we don't enforce them? Why have borders if we don't enforce them? Why have an immigration system where people spend thousands of dollars and wait years to enter this country legally? They're going to give amnesty to 11 to 12 millions illegal aliens and we the tax payers are going to pay the bill big time.
We're going to end up paying billions for these people in health care, welfare and etc. Plus they are going to add thousands of more border personnel. These will be civil service workers and each position added to the federal roles will cost the tax payers several million dollars in recruitment, training, salaries, health care and retirement. I'm tired of government wasting our tax dollars.
There is a much cheaper way - enforce our current laws. Issue all citizens tamper proof social security cards. Have a social security data base accessible to employers to verify legal worker status. Implement big fines for employers who hire illegal aliens. All this can be implemented at a fraction of the cost of this Senate Bill and will save billions in welfare and health care dollars, plus generate considerable revenue in big business fines. We won't have to deport the illegals, they'll leave on their own when they can't find work!
Yep, my son just married his Japanese girlfriend..had to..her student visa expired when she got her Masters far, it has cost them about 1500 to 2000 dollars in paperwork and fees to get her a green card. I asked him why they didn't just wait for the next impending round of amnesty..but it wouldn't work because she was here LEGALLY.
Yep, I married a German in 2002. We went through the legal process and got her green card. I know several illegals, they came on a visa and just stayed, been here 4 or 5 years with no legal paper work.
Yep, I married a German in 2002. We went through the legal process and got her green card. I know several illegals, they came on a visa and just stayed, been here 4 or 5 years with no legal paper work.

You mean German Shepherd don't you? Did she have to show proof of current rabies vaccination to get that green card?
Yep, I married a German in 2002. We went through the legal process and got her green card. I know several illegals, they came on a visa and just stayed, been here 4 or 5 years with no legal paper work.

You mean German Shepherd don't you? Did she have to show proof of current rabies vaccination to get that green card?

Wow! Hitin' on wifes, that is really low!
Wrote too both my Senators,I guess I don't do that enough. Now I will have to send them big bucks I guess. Trouble with our system is we vote for them but other people own them. True statesmen are rarer and rarer.

Thats my political statement for the year.