Hitch is correct E-mail your Senators. I've E-mailed and called both of mine. This is not the correct forum, but this bill is just plain wrong. Why have laws if we don't enforce them? Why have borders if we don't enforce them? Why have an immigration system where people spend thousands of dollars and wait years to enter this country legally? They're going to give amnesty to 11 to 12 millions illegal aliens and we the tax payers are going to pay the bill big time.
We're going to end up paying billions for these people in health care, welfare and etc. Plus they are going to add thousands of more border personnel. These will be civil service workers and each position added to the federal roles will cost the tax payers several million dollars in recruitment, training, salaries, health care and retirement. I'm tired of government wasting our tax dollars.
There is a much cheaper way - enforce our current laws. Issue all citizens tamper proof social security cards. Have a social security data base accessible to employers to verify legal worker status. Implement big fines for employers who hire illegal aliens. All this can be implemented at a fraction of the cost of this Senate Bill and will save billions in welfare and health care dollars, plus generate considerable revenue in big business fines. We won't have to deport the illegals, they'll leave on their own when they can't find work!