Iowa public hunting area question....

Ed L.

Well-known member
I heard a rumor that Iowa DNR isn't going to pump Princeton Marsh or Green Island marsh areas this year due to the fact they can't have the pressure on the levees with the river so low. Anyone on the Iowa side have any information or comments?

I have a call into Terry Nims but have not heard back. I could call Ed Kocal but I'll bet they both have thier phones turned off if guys from out of state are calling for information!
Hey Ed -

This doesn't make much sense to me. If the water is low, I would think there is less pressure on the levee's, not more, and that pumping wouldn't make a diference? would love to hear more about it.


It's been reported (which is hearsay) they (the DNR) want equal pressure on both sides of the levee's. If they pump water into the marsh and and the river level is lower than the marsh the pressure won't be equal.

Now, in the case of an area here called Lake Odessa, this area has flood gates they open that allows the Mississippi to run into the area. Today the river level is 3ft higher than the lake level. This is considerably lower than normal. The DNR has opened the gates to allow water in but they will shut the gates when the levels are equal. Now with that said why? The lake level is lower than the river in the summer and logic tells me the DNR is blowing smoke because the pressure can't be equal if the river level is higher than the lake level!

BUT, in the case of Princeton Marsh and Green Island Marsh it could be that the canels that feed the water to the pumping stations just maybe dry this year. Getting water to the pumps may need additional equipment which is cost prohibitive with the budget cuts the DNR are seeing.

I'm sure more information will surface the closer we get to the season.
As of right now there is scant enough water in the river to keep the channel to the minumun required 9 foot depth for barge traffic. Until we get more rain, thus more water in the river, I suspect ther DNR will be unable to divert water to the marsh.

This is only speculation on my part, I have not heard any thing at all.
Very true. It was reported a couple of weeks ago up around LaCrosse. Brownsvillie, MN I believe a barge ran aground in the channel and they are dredging to maintain the channel depth.

I just ordered another prop for my boat. With the river so low one should carry a spare.
Oh, I read your note as they were going to pump water out of the marsh into the river which made no sense to me. Now I get it

Mark W
I heard today that the corps won't let them pump water unless the river comes up.....could be a dry year in those marshes if we don't see rain soon.....