Irene images...

Capt. Brian Rhodes

Well-known member
Well I finally had a chance to sit down and go through the images from the past couple weeks.

The storm wasn't so bad here in RI. Lots of tree damage and major power outages, but fortunately nothing 'catastrophic'.

I was in upstate NY this past weekend and much like VT, they had devastating river flooding. Several small communities had major damage. There are a few cement blocks left where houses once stood. It is unreal to see actually.

Here are some of the pics from RI.








Here are the pics from NY around the Albany area.

You can see how high the water was by the mud line on the house and trees.







Glad to hear you dodged the worst of it, but in this case as is montly true, that means someone else got it bad.

What was going on upstate, early goose? that jet ski looks like a good time.
As Brian said we were (and still are) in pretty bad shape in places here in VT, there are places that got another 4 inches of rain in the last 36 hours here.....we really do not need that. Lake Champlain has come up 3 feet already and is still rising fast, pretty amazing for a 90 mile long lake in 10 days.

Here is a link I just got today that pretty much sums up what we are dealing with in places, mostly in the spine of the Green Mountains.
Why is it there are always a few idiots who have to tempt fate? Those two on the jet ski are just asking for it ..... Terrible to see all that devastation. My mother lives on the outer banks of North Carolina and it looks worse in NY that it does where she is ...
Idiots are always funny.

Yes Kris, trying for geese in NY. It wasn't so hot, but the pigeon action was world class!

Note: Bonus bands!


don't know why I feel the need, but I do. A jetski has so much more sea keeping ability (ie keep the sea out) than most boats it isn't even funny. You could run that thing into 30 footers off Hawaii and then beach it in an inch of water and never have a problem. I don' t see the guy being an idiot. That thing has more power to weight ratio than any watercraft on this board, turns on a dime, and doesn't really have any areas vulnerable to intrusion. In short, I'd pick it to run into a hurricane. he did. I would be out there paddle boarding if it were here.
Ya, it wasn't really that bad here at all man. I've seen bigger surf/swell in some of the nor'easters we get.

I laughed when I saw the guys on jet skis.
don't know why I feel the need, but I do. A jetski has so much more sea keeping ability (ie keep the sea out) than most boats it isn't even funny. You could run that thing into 30 footers off Hawaii and then beach it in an inch of water and never have a problem. I don' t see the guy being an idiot. That thing has more power to weight ratio than any watercraft on this board, turns on a dime, and doesn't really have any areas vulnerable to intrusion. In short, I'd pick it to run into a hurricane. he did. I would be out there paddle boarding if it were here.

They are default of being on a jet ski they are idiots. Even people who are normally inteligent when standing on solid ground turn into morons when on jet skis. I don't know the circumstances of their being out there, but assuming they are not in a rescue situation, they took a stupid risk going out there in any boat. Even though the brunt of the storm was not as bad as predicted, in any storm situation currents change and debris is kicked loose. When the unforseen happens, already overburdened rescue personel is called upon to risk their lives trying to save a couple of idiots that wanted to get their kicks riding the waves. Just my personal opinion...

By the way, did I ever tell anyone how much I hate jet skis!
