Al Hansen
Well-known member
Age + Waterfolwing do not equate. Prior to retirement age when I was working, I went every chance I could - Hell or High Water. Now I go when I feel like it. I don't think it's so much the suffering that holds us back. More like wisdom gathered from years of experience. Not to mention after 40-50 years of waterfowling, hands tend not to work as good as they used to. Cuz they have been Frozen so many times, for good reason.
As I write this I'm waiting to go muzzleloading for deer. Temp and weather are just bout right now. No more gettin' up hours before shootin' time, except for first day. I do just as well now, if not better, then when I had to be out there really early everyday. Being Older has definite advantages, why not enjoy them?
What still IS the same, is once your out there, you know it's where you belong........
I did enjoy this, Vince. Another thing I have found out is that always having to get up early to go duck hunting is not necessary. One day a number years ago, I over slept and didn't get to my honey hole until 8:30. I guess it was around 9:20AM when the mallards started to come in to loaf the day away. Here, all the time I was leaving just before the action started. I was glad to have over-slept.
As for hands being frozen multiple times, I, too, fall into that category.