Paul Kantner got it right!
Ryan "Stinky" Zinke is leaving as head of the Department of Interior at the end of 2018; several less conspicuous "carpet baggers" remain in key administrative posts within the department.
I attended a U.P. Winter Habitat Working Group meeting last week. While discussing winter deer complex habitat enhancement, forest managers from both the Ottawa and Hiawatha National Forests outlined administration mandates for sequential increases in annual forest harvest at board foot increase levels offered as proportional increments over the next three years that both supervisors stated were beyond their physical capacity to achieve with existing manpower, since each compartment has to have an accompanying NEPA review prior issuance of bids. Currently, the grand plan is to expand the areas of coverage of future NEPA reviews...which, without manpower increases, will result in dilution of effort and future scrutiny/risk assessment precision estimates.
Clear-cut, burn, pave...
Ryan "Stinky" Zinke is leaving as head of the Department of Interior at the end of 2018; several less conspicuous "carpet baggers" remain in key administrative posts within the department.
I attended a U.P. Winter Habitat Working Group meeting last week. While discussing winter deer complex habitat enhancement, forest managers from both the Ottawa and Hiawatha National Forests outlined administration mandates for sequential increases in annual forest harvest at board foot increase levels offered as proportional increments over the next three years that both supervisors stated were beyond their physical capacity to achieve with existing manpower, since each compartment has to have an accompanying NEPA review prior issuance of bids. Currently, the grand plan is to expand the areas of coverage of future NEPA reviews...which, without manpower increases, will result in dilution of effort and future scrutiny/risk assessment precision estimates.
Clear-cut, burn, pave...
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