
Todd..that is one of the coolest pics I've seen in a while.

So, has that paloma grande been sliced and diced yet?
Thanks Jay,

Yes, sliced and diced! Good looking tweeter, I haven't seen one in the wild. I owe you one.

Yeah, the sun was poking through just enough to get good light. Aweful day on the ride back, one where I was running with the bildge pump on.

Those eider on that trip were Pete's first. He wanted that one for himself.

Now you have me feeling bad, today is the first day since I've had Pete that I've left him home and went on an "adventure" without him.

Jen and I went clamming this morning before work without him, there was a moon tide too good to pass up at 8am. Pete loves clamming since he can eat all the dead crabs and bones he can find while unattended on shore.