Jenny ate a peace lily over night.

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
I checked it out on the net and apparently it is poisonous, but she doesn't seem to be in any distress. Should I still take her to the vet?

Here's the kind of plant I'm talking about. She ate all the leaves and a couple of flowers.


I would at least call them. I had a dog that ate some slug bait. She didn't so any signs until later then had to spend two days in an oxygen tent. If we hadn't got her to the vet in time she would not have made it. Better safe then sorry.
better to be safe than sorry. this has been a bad week for me... bear (lab) has a retro-bulbar abscess. I think it's draining now and getting better. but who knows if he'll have an eye.. or if it will retain any function..when this is all done. fyi, this presented originally as an inability to open his mouth very far, and a lil drainage from one eye. jump all over it if your pet ever exhibits these symptoms!


being overprotective and overreactive over our pets is not a bad thing.. get jenny looked at.
I know lilies are poisonous to cats, not sure, but would assume given a large enough dose, dogs as well. Call your Vet if you haven't already. I believe it causes kidney failure, which would not show symptoms until it is too late.

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list of Poisionous House Plants, or anywhere else in their database, (which exceeds 700 plants). The Lily's that are listed, (Spathophylum is related), all show "causes mild irration and swelling".

Now before someone jusmps my ass and shouts, "you don't care", lets say this is for "people" and that often what is bad for people is worse for pets, (that works the other way as well though). And, of course, volume means alot as well.

If Spathophylum is poisionous then I would suspect you would have seen some effects by this time. I'd keep watching for signs of distress but I doubt you have a problem.

Well a few hours later here and she's still fine. Fed her, walked her, watched her poop out a bale of still green leaves and an unidentified red plastic thing, and phoned the poison control lady in Vancouver. She said the nastiest thing about that plant is the taste and ingesting it shouldn't be a problem. She said the poison crystals in the plant are non-absorbing, and I guess if she has passed a bit if the plant already we're home free.

Thanks for all your help guys, I never know if I am over or underreating to things like this.

I knew that antifreze was a real Nasty, and thought it was a death sentence it isn't... It has a window for sucessful treatment as do many nasty substances. Drop a dime on your vet, ask a question, it will probably be a free anser. Gotto love them dogs that HUNT.
That's a good news. They're pretty resilient. I'm not sure how smart they are though. You have a blizzard trekking, tropical plant eating lab. I have a garbage hound. A buddy has a genuine shit eater(the horror...the horror).

A few highlights for me have been an entire bag of Hershey's Kisses consumed by Aggie. Didn't even burp or whine when the foil bits passed. Chocolate is toxic to dogs you know.

My all time favorite was when I let my Grandmother Anglin watch Aggie with her litter for a day. I got the call that Aggie had dug into my grandmother's purse and consumed an entire bottle of Xanax. Now, before all the pill jokes kick in keep in mind that my Nana had 6 knee replacements back in the 80's and 90's and the new ones weren't working....she was a little stressed to say the least and apparently had a fresh bottle of 50 "grandmother's little helpers" in her purse. After the dog ate the pills she wasn't stressed at all on the other hand. And, neither were the pups....after they nursed on sleeping mom, the pups all slept for 8 hours.

I'm pretty sure that woulda killed most humans...certainly any 60lb kid. I'm not sure how many she actually ate but there were only a few laying on the floor.
I would call the Vet . Alot of plants that are poisonos to us are not to dogs. My Lab ate a christmas cactus flower and the vet said no but to humans the type he ate is to us .
Lillys are really toxic to cats. They cause acute renal failure. Not so much in dogs. I am sure if one ate enough of one there could be problems, but they are generally not recognized. Next time, when in doubt I would advise inducing vomiting just to be on the safe side.

Jay, milk chocolate in generally not a problem as they will usuallyt vomit prior to toxicity. The place where we really have problems with theobromine intoxication is with baking chocolate and coco hulls.
The most handy way to induce vomiting is with Hydrogen peroxide. I usually tell people to give a tablespoon a minute until they vomit. It also helps to speed things along if you get them to drink some water and either let them run around some or giggle their belly.

It can be a challenge to get more into the dog than you get on yourself. We still occasionally do it that way here in the clinics, although we use a pill you put in their eye most of the time because it is a lot easier and much cleaner for us.
What are some signs of Kiddney failure.My freinds 5yr old lab past this morning from it .Dog food , he does not now but i'm very concerned and want to do what i can to protect my 2 dogs.I have checked and double checked the foods i feed them but i would like to learn symtoms of it.
brings back some sick meomories with Murphy, We had a lilly plant outside near our entry way very waxy not a daylilly cant remember the breed of it. but

Murphy ate some of it and we found out when we was pukein brownish green stuff that smelled like POOOOOOO. was so gross cant imagine the taste for him. We took him in right away lucky he gagged it up without any problems. Scarry stuff and im glad to hear jenny is doing better now.