Lake Bonneville Layout Boats

Does anyone hunt out of them and do you have any pics? Im looking to use one next season on a few lakes for diving ducks. Or should I be looking at a different kind of layout boat?
They look like nice boats... I have never used them... but I doubt you will go wrong with them... I have 2 MLBs
I have the classic... If the waves are soft rollers... they will handle as much as I would have ever been in.... 4-5' If the wave have a short duration... 3 1/2' is about max... but anything more than 3 1/2 ' if they are steep is difficult and dangerous trading between the tender and the layout... We have been in a little bigger waves than that.. and the birds weren't flying... and ever 5 minutes we would get a wave that would dump water down the back of my coat... Long and short.. .any weather bigger than these will handle... very few birds seem to work least on Lake Michigan... and it is very hard to hunt... Heck on 3 foot rollers, half of your sots are shooting the top off of the wave in front of you!
That sounds like what Im looking for then. At the most I would be in is 2 ft and almost garentee no 3 fters or more. That boat seems reasonably priced too.Do you have any pictures of you hunting in it you can post? the web site only has 1. Thanks
Sorry for the crappy pics... here are a few.....




Thanks alot,those cleary show they can handle those waves well. I think thats the one Im shooting for now. Any advice on setting decoys? I have longlines right now with 24 bluebills,12 on each line. 6 buffies,6 ring necked ducks,and 6 cans all on weighted line. Is 42 decoys enough to decoy buffies,bluebills,ruddys,ring necks ,and what ever other kind of diver thats in the area? Theres no competition in layout hunting in the area but some boat blind hunters near shore. Any more species I should throw in? I was thinking maybe getting some redheads,goldeneyes and coots if needed.
I had the opportunity to hunt out of a Lake Bonneville Layout Boat last weekend in New York.

I found it to be very comfortable and roomy. As you can see it wasn't very rough out there, but it rocked a little when a boat went by for a sample. Here's a couple pics to wet your appetite:




Hope this helps,

I think the Bonnevilles are nice as well... but they don't have splash shields... or they initial models didn't, which means you will get wet many days... but I think they were working on a shield...

I know some guys put 200+ decoys out... I use 8-10 dozen... there are ALOT of ideas on how to set decoys.... I will only say USE LONG LINES.... :)

All of my lines are 72'... some are cliped together... soo 144'... I think it is good to know how ling your lines are so you know how far out the birds are... I usually clip a line to a leader on the front of the layout... means the birds are going to be about 25 yards or 50 yards infront of me when they hit the last block...

In my area/experience... GE are about the only birds that really care about having a specific decoy in your spread...
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Man Phil, that looks dicey in the rough water - not sure I could handle that but the shots with calmer water and tons of ducks look like fun !
HA Dick... Niether of those pictures were in "rough" water!!!! :) That being said, my best hunts have been in glass smooth water... and clear skies & sun makes it even better... Smooth rollers are fine... But chop doesn't seem to be as productive...
Thanks for all the help. Do coot decoys do any good? Or does it just mean more decoys to pick up. There is a possibility of sea ducks in the area too so I dont know if it would work as confidence decoys or what?
ok guys so heres a few questions,,

how big is your main boat?
do ya tow or have the layouts on board for the trip??
and what is the minimum of guys needed to to make it happen safely?
do you use radios for safety withthe guys in the layouts?
and finaly do you set up the big boat on shore and hunt from it to while the boys are out in the middle??
oh one more do the layouts pick up there own birds or is it the main tender who is the run them down boat??

I can prob answer most but i have not done it for real on that scale so id like answers from the ones who been there and done that.
are there any tips or tricks one should know about settin the dekes and pickin up...

on my own in my barney it got dicey and had to leave dekes and get to shore ,found my dekes almost out in open ocean the next day lesson learned.....

Luke, Lots of different layouts out there now days, And for the most part a layout is a layout. There are some differences. I would recommend that you do some searching around your area and see what models are available that maybe someone would let you come look at. Like buying a car Its always best to test them out. The main issues with layouts is to be certain there is a enough room and its confortable for your needs.

Good luck with your search, once you find the one thats right for you a new addiction begins.