Landed in Philly area

Well we made it to Philly area and getting settled in. Took us a little longer to get here since the moving truck broke down before we even got out of Des Moines. Found a decent apartment in Conshohocken. Hopefully by next month I will be settled in enough to start looking for areas to hunt this fall. Any advice on areas to checkout?
if you are in Conshohocken you might be able to find a spot on the Schuylkill river. going west. A lot of geese on the river they tend to hit the river around 9 and 10 am. Only other place I know is the delaware.

Welcome to my world! I sometimes work in Conshohocken and pass through there about half the times I go hunting.

I am sort of new at this compared to most of the guys on the site, but know the area well enough. Locally here in Pennsylvania geese far outnumber ducks. Most guys that are big duck hunters go to the Jersey shore. It is about an 80 mile run.

We can get together early in the season and I'll show you a couple of local spots.

Welcome to the Deleware Valley Dan! Watch out for that Conchy Curve!!! "GO FLYERS!!!"..............Kevin
Welcome! Glad you made it here safely. I'm sure we can help you find some spots you will enjoy.

Thanks guys looking forward to meeting some of you this fall! Other than hunting licence, migratory fee, and stamp...whatelse do you need to hunt here. Read something about a HIP certifacation in NJ. Also I heard something about a boat safety course?????

Be sure to get a dog license for your lab. In PA you will need a hunting license, a state waterfowl stamp and a federal stamp (sign everything that needs signing). Also, you will need a launch permit to for some state parks for your boat.

I think that is about it for waterfowl.

You will need a HIP # in NJ, same type of things as a migratory stamp in PA. You will also need a non-resident duck "stamp" in NJ. Also note Pa license are July1-June30, NJ license are calander year and you will need a new license(but not stamps) on Jan. 1. It seems crazy but will make sense in a few years of doing it!

Also I heard something about a boat safety course?????

Yep. You have to have a boat safety certification in NJ, no matter how long you've had a boat. If you're from out of state, the NJ authorities will recognize certification from the state you're coming from. Apparently, they'll be checking rigorously this summer down the shore. Not sure about hunting season, but they were quite serious about it when I took the class back in March. The DMV should be able to provide you with info on the course.

You can take an on-line class to get a PA boating cert. It takes a few hours and a fee and your good to go.

Welcome to Philly I just lost my job after almost 14 years . Were did you get youre job ?
I wish you the best of luck just remember youre in philly watch what you say and for Gods sake stay off the internet .
The place I worked is very strict and antiunion also I had no warnings or write ups prior to this . Any way you should be fine
good luck and contact me and I will show you a few places .

I was just looking into where to renew the sticker on my seneakbox and came across the foloowing;

"Motorboats must display a current boat registration. Non-powered boats must display one of the following: boat registration; launching permit or mooring permit from Pennsylvania State Parks, available at most state park offices; launching permit from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission."

I have a PA DNRC sticker on my sneakbox from last year, after reading this, I am not sure it is needed.

It is so hot already today, I am tempted to throw my box in the Schuylkill River this afternoon.

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The option is only for non-powered boats. As soon as you put a motor on it must be regisitered. If registered I don't think you need any of the others. I am not powering my sneak box but plan on registering it as unpowered and getting state numbers for it (best universal coverage).

It does feel like a good day for a boat ride!

Welcome to the East Coast. My family just arrived in Maryland last week, still waiting on the truck to arrive to unload our stuff. dc

The hip number is separate from the stamps when you get a NJ license make sure you ask for your hip number. if you don't have that you get a ticket from the man.

you will need your boater safety card. State Police check you at the ramps.

Welcome to the area. I working in center city 16th & Market and live in North Wilmington (Delaware). Must be a shock to the system moving from the midwest. I have a shore house in Pierces's Point New Jersey which is on the De Bay about ten miles north od Cape May. I gre up hunting the marshes down there, Green, Dias and Biwell Creeks as well as the Maurice River. Sporatic teal hunting and good black ducks. The areas behind the costal communities Wildwood, SH Avalond, Sea Isle, OC, AC and all the way up to the BB can be good (mostly late in the season) and can get sporty. You will want to go west into Chester, Lancaster Counties to get good goose hunting. Plan on knocking on alot of doors, but there are still some opportunities to get permission assuming you act like a gentlemen. If you expect to get exclusive permission plan to pay for some type of lease. Never offer right away. Same in NJ in areas lime Glouchester and Salem Counties after you dodge the new subdivisions.

I stopped hunting this area and began hunting southern DE and the Eastern Shore of MD. The hutning pressure is a bit more and leasing is much more common, but there are lot's more birds in the area. The variety is much better. There are a few spots in my club for the upcoming year and we have really good dove hunting which you don't see in PA and not legal in NJ.

Don't forget snow goose hunting!!! About 3/4 of the AF's population of greaters will stay withing a two hour ride.
Hey guys thanks for the info...been busy with learning the new job and getting settled. Hoping to get out next month and start looking around.
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Welcome to the area. I working in center city 16th & Market and live in North Wilmington (Delaware). Must be a shock to the system moving from the midwest. I have a shore house in Pierces's Point New Jersey which is on the De Bay about ten miles north od Cape May. I gre up hunting the marshes down there, Green, Dias and Biwell Creeks as well as the Maurice River. Sporatic teal hunting and good black ducks. The areas behind the costal communities Wildwood, SH Avalond, Sea Isle, OC, AC and all the way up to the BB can be good (mostly late in the season) and can get sporty. You will want to go west into Chester, Lancaster Counties to get good goose hunting. Plan on knocking on alot of doors, but there are still some opportunities to get permission assuming you act like a gentlemen. If you expect to get exclusive permission plan to pay for some type of lease. Never offer right away. Same in NJ in areas lime Glouchester and Salem Counties after you dodge the new subdivisions.

I stopped hunting this area and began hunting southern DE and the Eastern Shore of MD. The hutning pressure is a bit more and leasing is much more common, but there are lot's more birds in the area. The variety is much better. There are a few spots in my club for the upcoming year and we have really good dove hunting which you don't see in PA and not legal in NJ.

Don't forget snow goose hunting!!! About 3/4 of the AF's population of greaters will stay withing a two hour ride.
Ya its been a real shock to the system...honestly feel like a bit like fish out of water. There are alot of differences between here and the midwest. Going to take a little bit to get my feet back under me feeling a little lost right now. Just hoping to find a couple places to shoot a few birds for the dog to retrieve this fall and make use of the boat. Going to to miss the reservior and river bottom timber hole Im used to hunting this fall. My buddy said he would be happy to send me pics...told him thanks alot. LOL Thanks for the info on the club maybe next year if I can get some money saved things are tight with the move and we are still getting accustom to the cost of living increase.