chris k

Active member
Looking to get a new layout blind possibly two. I have the AVERY finisher I was thinking of going to something that packs up smaller but am afraid to loose the quality. Second I need a layout for my son last hunt out he informed me the finisher was to small for both of us to squeeze into and I had to agree. I was looking at a youth layout but I was thinking I should order a regular one so it could be used by others then youth. Any input would be great.
I've got a Cabelas layout I would sell. I live very close to you too. It is brand new, never used in the field
Check out Avery's power hunter. It folds up smaller than the boxier blinds and I think it hides better since its so low profile, especially if you take the support beam out of the lid.

But the blind is not at comfortable as the bigger blinds, as everything is laying on you like a sleeping bag.
My layout of choice is a GHG Ground Force. I own 2 of them. They fold up and back pack. It is not the lightest blind on the market but the quality has been good. I own a few different brands of layout blinds and the GHG Ground Force gets used the most. I also like the snow covers, ghille covers, and neo-tubs. Buying a blind that I can get good accessories for is important to me.
Banded makes a two person layout blind. My brother in law has a guide buddy that gets a discount from Sierra Trading Post, they ordered 3 of them on New Years Eve ( the last day of his coupon), I think they were $150 with his discount. There is enough room in them for two full size hunters and a large dog. I haven't hunted out of one yet other than in the living room at tv geese but when my two year old son is old enough to start going with me this will be how we start. There is actually enough room for a child between the two seats, mom could shoot, dad could run a camera and junior could watch. Wouldn't be the right rig for a solo hunter as the footprint would be unnecessarily wide but if you are going to have more than one blind I don't think it compromises anything. Not going to be the answer for everyone but I think it is worth checking out.
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matt I sent you a pm. fred I was looking at the two person but they just look so BIG my son is 5 and told me he wants the power hunter blind because he like the helmet that was how I found they even made a youth blind. oh and he said he needs his own flag. I love taking him out he cracks me up.
Chris- if you go with the power hunter blind for him you could get the full size one they are not that big to begin with and its a comfortable blind but the biggest problem i have with it they can be very hard to see out of.
my buddy has the power hunter and said the same thing about not being able to see. thanks for the input on the size.
That is great that your son is so fired up. I am chomping at the bit to get my little guy going, he has a duck call in the car seat in daddy's car and gets to make as much noise as he wants when he rides with dad. For me the two man blind is going to be more for the experience aspect to make sure that his introduction to hunting is comfortable and fun. Sounds like yours is hooked! I have hunted from a power hunter, they hide well and would be good for a kid as the hood will conceal a lot of looking and head movement.
the little guy loves it I been taking him since he was 2 he can last for about 5 hours now then he is out of snacks and ready to go home. hardest part is little kids gloves are so damn hard to get there fingers in.
I have a power hunter that I stopped using,it really limits what you can see and because it has no frame is basically a sleeping bag with a lid. For the money you can get something off season or last years model.Another Finisher would be a good choice,or a roger's knock off.
I do not like the power hunter due to the inability of having the gun by my side in the blind like I can with a door blind.