Layout color???

Phil Nowack

Well-known member
So, I used up the last of my FME #34 open water dark grey on my green MLB... I am going to tiger stripe it... I am hunting the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan mostly .....


I always thought a "muddy" color would be better off on Miss River and Lake Mich. I'm thinking next summers build is going to be a layout. I have an old room mate that moved to La Cross so I'm hoping to get on the Mississippi some time this fall. And another who lives out side of Kewaunee right on Lake Michigan. He final got a big enough boat so we can get out a ways. I'm stoked! Good luck with the paint job.
"Here", most of the layouts I've seen were a med. gray, though a few guys claim just white, as it looks like ice, even when there's no ice,lol

When I finally get to mine, it will be a med/dark gray, with white camo stripes.
This is my layout -- It has a grey fiberglass resin tint base , with tiger strips of black and primer grey -

I can take more pictures if you would like -Shannon




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