Lets see your Blinds for a BBIII or BBII

You did a nice job. I can't believe thats my old boat she looks better then new. Please post a pic when you finish the canvas work I would really like to see it.

p.s. that paperwork is in the mail to you finally.
Thanks Brandon
I still have a bit more to do before its done. I am hoping to have the canvas finished tomorrow or Friday. Then it will be onto the blind. Still a little unsure of what direction I'll go with that. I have some ideas but that I will have to try and see what works best.
I was real close to sticking with the gray but I cound not break myself away from the green for around here.
I'm still thinking about some type of canvas doors that can be grassed and are retractable in some manner. I want to be able to keep the profile no higher than the cockpit coaming when needed and have a full blind when thats needed.


How about a roll up cover for the cockpit. The one I made simply rolls right up to my chest when in use. When I want to shoot, it simply pushes away as I sit up to shoot.




The cover is supported by fiberglass rods which are held in place by pockets on each end of each rod. Rods are on the underside of the cover of course. Once rolled up the cover can be removed and stored inside the cockpit if desired.




Thanks for taking the time to post some photos. I have done the same thing on some of my smaller boats. I will be setting this boat up for two gunners and I'm kicking around a few ideas that will be closer to long doors with grass straps / rails that are grassed up so they can be tilted upwards to make a high blind or folded down low to give the boat a very low profile. There are time when I hunt very different areas and therefore have a need for a multi purpose blind.
John, that is a really nice job on the blind frame. I am still interested in coming up to see your Black Brants in person. I have decided to wait until after the season is over. Hope that is ok with you. Since I won't be needing or building the boat this season, no harm in waiting until the spring for a drive up to the island.
I'll be there. Stop my my booth and say hi.
Look for the SEATRACKS banner

I am going to try and come to the show in the morning, looking forward to saying hello and checking out your new boat John. Did you ever end up selling your old one?

No problem coming to the Island when ever your ready. If you want a good excuse to take a ride both boats will be at the South Shore Waterfowler show on Oct 28th.

I sold the boat to someone on this forum. I hope he is enjoying it as much as I did.
I have the canvas dodger done but it was dark when I finished tonight so I could not take any photos. I'll post some photos tomorrow when I have some daylight.
Here is the new dodger. I made some small changes, not that anyone would notice much. I'll post a few more photos tomorrow when it's not raining and I can drop the dodger into the three different positions.

I think its a better height John ! Looks awesome
I lowered it a bit and rounded the corners more.
I'm going to add two more grass straps tomorrow. That way I can use more salt hay and less spartina to fill the gaps.
I'm leaning towards canvas with grass straps. I'm running out of time so I'll have to decide in the next day or so. I don't want to be locked in to having big solid doors on the sides all the time. If I make them out of canvas and aluminum tubing with adjustable uprights. I can deploy at will and stow them easy. Or leave on and they wont be so cumbersome.
I cant wait to see them because I was thinking long boards arent gonna be easy to handle all grassed up
Here are some photos of how the Black Brant III was finished. I ended up making the grass doors out of plywood with mahogany grass rails. They are a bit higher than I planned but give me better coverage when the doors are closed all the way down and they are still lower than the dodger when up straight.



Here is a view under the grass.



I made the door stops works like a cam. By putting the stop in different positions you can set the door in any position and be able to throw them open when needed. You can see it on the bottom right corner.



As I was taking this photo Mocha looks up with "the look" .......I had to put the camera down and grab my gun....


...then she had to go out and get our bird. Yup the grass doors work...
Here are a few more photos to give you some more detail.


Plenty of room inside



Well thats it for the grass doors. I think this boat is now done!
Oh wait...I still have to make the decoy bags that will hang on the inside of the doors.

To be continued............

