Little things in life---NDR

Al Hansen

Well-known member
Like watching a black-chinned hummer taking a bath---




Like seeing your very first pyrrhuloxia when you at first thought it was a cardinal. Funny how it has the same song.


Like watching a member of the Rock Dove family, the Eurasian collared dove, drinking water by gulping it. They're the only birds in the world that can do it.



Like watching the moon rise.


Like watching a puppy gnaw on a decoy's tail---


Like observing one of your racers coming back to the loft after flying 150 miles to get there.


Like seeing light hitting some flowers in just the right way.


Like wondering what the puppy is thinking.


Like wondering if he will catch a goldfish.


Like wondering if even the boss will notice this sign and correct it.


Like having a happy wife.


Like watching the moon set in the early morning hours of a new day.


Like being on top of the world and looking down at the Magdalena Ridge Observatory.


Like wondering what life would be like without your best buddy.


Like looking at this scene and thinking, "Did God tee up the moon because He is getting ready to play a round of golf?"


Like wondering if Habanero will catch the ball.


Like being thankful that your hunting dog knows the word, "gentle" when sharing a piece of Bev's blueberry pancake.

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Those are some fantastic photos, please keep them coming. NM seems pretty nice this time of year.
I can't wait until the day I can say all that ,,,,sometimes life throws us a curve ball and right now it feels like Im trying to hit it blindfolded,,,I can't get over the beauty of the desert but its hard to imagine living there after growing up on the water,,,,,,Chuck
Speaking of little things---how about these?



At 2:57AM, Salsa had her first puppy. By 6:11AM, she gave birth to her tenth and final pup and was done. Not too shabby for that girl who when she had her first litter, took over 12 hours to deliver them all. She ended up with 7 chocolates (6F and 1M) and 3 blacks (2M and 1F).

Everything at your place seems to be a PICTURE. :)
wis boz

That is so true but not just at our home---everywhere, Boz. I would love to roam about the woods in your backyard with my camera. You need to remember that some of those pictures were taken 15 miles to the west of us and an additional 6,000+ feet up in the air.

Those are some fantastic photos, please keep them coming. NM seems pretty nice this time of year.

Thanks so much, Alex. Today will be our warmest one yet. Predicted to be up close to 90F. That is warm for this time of the year. It will be an interesting summer.
AL, After seeing that I think You have got it figured out, and now I'm on the way to work with a smile. Thanks , Jeff

I enjoyed this, Jeff. It took a while for me! Glad you liked them.
I can't wait until the day I can say all that ,,,,sometimes life throws us a curve ball and right now it feels like Im trying to hit it blindfolded,,,I can't get over the beauty of the desert but its hard to imagine living there after growing up on the water,,,,,,Chuck

Chuck, I grew up in Minnesota, then went to Alaska, then on to Wisconsin----lots of water everywhere. It was a change for sure but I sure enjoy the desert. This past 10 days or so not so much because of those horrible winds we had go through here. Went to go pick up some of my firewood and found the blocks half covered with sand that had blown over them.
When are you going to open up a bed and breakfast? I need some of your peace and tranquility. Nice photos!

Gee, Tom, after thinking of that, that form of peace and tranquility would be gone for us but not for those who came here. Now you know why I like to duck hunt solo. I cherish serenity.
Love the pics Al!

Great looking litter of puppys too!

Thanks, Doug. By the way best of luck when Raven comes due. Make sure to post some of those pictures. Is Zeus the sire?