Longline question...

Rick Pierce

Well-known member
The rope I used last year was floating, not sinking as represented. Still "okay" for anchor ropes, but want sinking line for the mainlines.

Where can I find a braided 3/8" or so (minimal slippage with longline clips), reasonably stiff, sinking line? Trying to find about 500 feet to start with.
Everything I use comes from a catalog I get in the mail once or twice a year and I believe it's just called "Decoy Rigs". I can't remember anything about them but I don't even think they have a website. I will post more info when I get home this evening if I can find the magazine. I'm not sure how long they're supposed to last but I've had mine (main line) for 4 years and it's as strong and new looking as the day I bought it.

I started using Decoy Rigs, Whiting, Indiana as my supplier and couldn't be happier. They don't have a web site but if you call them at (219) 659-8371 they will take good care of you. Ask for a catalog with some samples of what you want. I think they owner's name is Bob. Whether catalogs or product, it is usually shipped within a day or so. 1/4" diameter diamond braid nylon, olive colored is what I use. Great stuff.

I have some line from Decoy Rigs. Very good stuff and nice people to deal with. I've also used the cheap stuff from wally world and that's fine too for anchor lines. Braided nylon should sink.
Google Memphis Net & Twine. I use thier smaller tarred line for single rigging, works great. I've got some decoys with 10 year old line still on them.
Rick, I use a double braided nylon in 1/4" or 5/16". It's a soft lay that I died with two packs of Rit dye. (one O.D. one brown) It retained its softness after the dye job enabling me to fit a few hundred or so feet in a 5 gal. bucket. I checked the fit of the clips to the line when I decided on the diameter. The added cost of the double braided was offset by the fact that my wife had it in stock. :^) I gave up on the stiffer line when I saw Sutton's method for storing the line. (5Gal bucket) Any soft lay braided nylon would have worked for me. (Diamond braid etc.)

Rick, I just ordered some longline clips from Doctari Longlines . They have all clipps and lines etc. They are out of Milwaukee. They had very fast service.