Looking for a Golden Retriever or Nova Scotia Toller, breeder recommendations needed

John L

Well-known member
We lost our last retriever after a great run of over ten years and many happy memories. Now the time has come for a new pup to take over the reigns.
I am in need of some help finding a reputable breeder. I do not want a puppy mill dog and I can't seem to find anyone in the Long Island area or in the immediate area. So I figured I would turn to the folks here to see if someone can steer us in the right direction.

We have had a variety of hunting dogs over the years but have never had a Golden or Toller.
My wife would like a Golden and as long as I have a hunting buddy I am agreeable to what ever makes the boss happy.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Check out Tony Zappia's North Coast kennel. I have had working goldens for 30 years now and I wouldn't hesitate getting a puppy from him. He is in Messena, NY. focusontheoutdoors.com
Sonny Williams said:
Adirondac Goldens Oswego county, New York

ditto. My best friend is on his second and terrific hunters and pals.

Wassokeag Retrievers in Dixmont Maine have wonderful tollers.

I am looking at either a Golden from Adirondac or a toller in the next year. My first dog was a sunfire golden- she was wonderful.