Lt. Michael Murphy to receive the Medal of Honor


Well-known member

One of the members of the Navy Seal team historicaly documented in the book "Lone Survivor" will receive the Medal of Honor.

The three other members of Murphy's team -- Matthew Axelson, 25, and Danny Dietz, 31, who were both killed, and Marcus Luttrell, 32 -- have each been awarded the Navy Cross, second only to the Medal of Honor.

I also suggest you read the book. It is an incredible story. It most surely is on your local bookstore shelf. or

You won't want to put it down.

For what they do, we are free.

God Bless Lt Murphy and all the brave men and women who have given to the good of all.I'm glad He will receive the Medal Of Honor.
So many have performed heroic acts that go unnoticed except by God.I salute them and pray for them.
No one stands taller in my view, than are fighting men and women. For many months I have been thinking of naming my boat the "Jason L Dunham" I dont know if the people that have served would consider that disrespectfull to his memory (shes a 70 year old sneakboat/warship that should hit the water in a week or so for the first time in quite a while).

Thanks Michael for what you have given.