Luke's b-day decoys

Gene Jr.

Well-known member
My son Luke turned 5 on this Veteran's Day. He had a party or three over the weekend and I gave him my present Sunday night when the family was over. I picked up some unpainted wooden decoy "seconds" at the Tuckerton show this year. I've been painting Herters for awhile now but wanted to try wood. I painted two teal first and was happy with the results. Then Luke took a strong interest in these buffleheads I had sitting on the bench for paint, he love buffies! I had to tell him several time that he could not have them, "I need them for the rig this year" which was always followed by "If they are in the rig, then they are OURS, which means they can be MINE also!" I'm afraid he may become a lawyer. So, I hid them away and painted in secret when he was asleep...

[inline luke5bday.jpg]

A picture from Halloween. What else would a 4 year old with a broken arm be?

[inline lukecostume.jpg]

Best wishes,

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My birthday is in August in case you were wondering...

Good story -- a lot of future hunters on this site.
Happy Birthday Luke, good lookin' Buffies you got there. I can't wait to see you and the the ole man huntin over em. Better make sure you write your name on those birds..... wouldn't want to loose those to another duck hunter, like maybe, your dad. By the way it sure looks like you have a pretty good grip on them for having a broken arm.

Take Care,

That was the last day I had to wear my sling. The Dr. said I could stop wearing it on Monday but I still have to play gently for a few weeks. Maybe we can hunt over my Buffies together soon.


I had to type for him or we would have been here all night and it would have looked like a word search! He did type his own name in though.

I still have to weight and float test them before we hunt them. We'll probably get them wet over thanksgiving.

I hope your hunt went well last weekend.

Best wishes,
Gene Jr
Good to hear the arm is healing, I did not figure you would be long in that sling. I bet it feels great to have it off! I will be lookin' for those Buffies when we are out hunting.

I never made it to the water this past weekend, loooong story. Maybe this weekend.

Take Care,
Hey Gene Jr.
Great birthday present! Those decoys definitely need to be community property for at least another 20 years or so...