Manitoba/Saskatchewan report?

Anybody hunting up there this week? Wondering if "all the ducks" are still up there. There was some movement of new birds into central MN on the 14th but they all pulled out w/i a couple of days and there has nothing since then. Looks like another bleak weekend coming up from local reports I've heard.
Left on the 26th. of Oct. Still plenty of birds. This week it has been cold with freezing temps. at night. Still plenty of birds as of today, but do expect some migration now.
I received essentially the same report from a friend who was in Saskatchewan for the week-good numbers of bird and little evidence of migration from his perspective...
Anybody hunting up there this week? Wondering if "all the ducks" are still up there. There was some movement of new birds into central MN on the 14th but they all pulled out w/i a couple of days and there has nothing since then. Looks like another bleak weekend coming up from local reports I've heard.

Lots of birds up here still. Large flocks, arriving daily from areas north of here. They will stay until we get snow and the lakes ice up. Low of -3 C tonight so could be soon.