May, "What's on your Workbench?"

Congrats again John. Great work Sean, esp. like the widgeon, but as you pointed out, there is definitely something to be said for great, big cans. John Linn
Sean, that must be the "old green bridge" in the background. Spent many a days in that meadow. The decoys look great!
Sean, I will definitely take you up on that sometime it would be great to get some pointers from a outstanding carver. Love the wigeon and Cans
Nice work everyone. I really like the scoters John Linn did. Reminds me of a Gus Moak pose, old and new school all in one.

Finished up this mothers day present yesterday......simple gunner Seagull.

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WOW! Some seriously high powered work to kick off May. John, Sean & Jode awesome stuff!!!

Here is what I have for May... I will probably finish carving the rig so I can seal all of them at once then do a little production painting.


Great looking Labrador Decoys, can't wait to see the one you are doing for me. Again Great Work. David D.
Brian, they were small barges on the Manatua creek that bought tomatos from the surrounding farms to the Philadephia market. My neighbor is 95 and worked on them as a kid in the summer. next time I'm out I'll take some pictures.


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Wow Sean, That alot of carraiges waited to be unloaded.

Here the last of the Stuff for the Mom's ............

16" Owl and swimming buffy.

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Can I be one of your moms? I promise to call you every Christmas and I'll even send you a present on your birthday!

Sean, thanks for those pictures. I really love to see the history of certain areas. I think that is pretty cool that one of those barges is still around. Living history.

Can I be one of your moms? I promise to call you every Christmas and I'll even send you a present on your birthday!


Sure ,.......Does that mean I can be in the Will now! LOL!
Thanks for the thread John as always one of my favorites. And nice birds. Sean those cans and widgeon are great.
Here are a few juniper hollow bodied black ducks ready for leather tangs and lead ballast. The first of the scratch style finish I've tried. Any pointers would be helpful. I did a blend on the heads before scratching. Also does anyone have any tips on feather layout on a black duck. It seems while trying for feather shape I lose track of size and symmetry and if I get symmetry I lose focus on feather shape. What do you think of the colors. I think the bills are too bright.

View attachment ollie black duck 003.JPG

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View attachment ollie black duck 019.JPG
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Nice work everyone.

Jode, The Buff turned out sweet! I should have stayed longer to watch.

Frank, I like the blacks. At first glance I thought a couple Eugene Connett decoys had surfaced!
Justin your making progress on you dekes. I like the patterns you came up with, nice attitudes. However being a Jersey guy I can't get used to a blind decoy, LOL!.............
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