MD Opener on the Susky Flats

Well, I finally got to hunt with both of my brothers, using our own v-boards, standing behind our own stick-ups. We had a beautiful morning on the Flats, and Bryant (he's the brown one standing on the bow) got to pull a few in the boat. Pair of buffys, pair of spoonys, and pair of blackheads. Not our best shooting; we only put 6 ducks in the boat and a lot of holes in the air...but it was a great day!

Hoping to do it again this Saturday for the goose opener...and the weather is looking good so far!

Have a great season everyone!

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Thats a neat way to hunt. I wish we could do that but I have a feeling the "lovel" WI DNR would consider that a blind of some kind.
Being from oklahoma that is the first time ive seen someone use there decoys as a blind to.. thats awsome and would love to try it one day.
Zack Taylor
Refers to this in his book, ( successful waterfowling ) as bodybooting, I dont think its my cup of tea but everybody to their own taist.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Eddie, not sure i't would be my cup of tea either, but in Maryland, you either have a multi-thousand-dollar annual lease or you hunt public sites that are shot 4 days a week. we did the latter for years...with little success.

Seems like booting is about the only way a guy with a few bucks (and a willingness to get wet) can hunt effectively around here. thank goodness i also have a good friend with a modest farm, a good heart, and a generous nature to let us field hunt on the really windy days!
You have got a good buddy if he lets you hunt his fields, I can only speak for myself as Im a single man but if I lived in the states, I would be moving to where the ducks was, being a duckaolic. HeHeHe.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
I hear ya, but the wife may have something to say about uprooting the family to chase ducks...I'm not sure of the exact wording, but I'm fairly sure it would be inappropriate for public consumption!

Maybe we'll retire to the 20 years or so!
Thanks for the chuckle mate, that has made my day.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Hell Dave, ya gotta try to tell them. What are the blind laws up there. Here in VA it's pretty liberal.
The open water(blind laws) laws are tighter then a _________ (insert what ever word you choose) in WI. Its just rediculous. You have to be within 3' of rooted emergant vegataion that can conceal at least 50% of your boat/blind (something like that). We are only allowed to open water hunt on a few lakes in the state, Lake Michigan, Winnebago and sort of on the Mississipi River, and then you have to be at least so far from the shore. There was a post on it a few months ago on here that you can look up
Essentialy our blind laws are You can build a blind on any public water as long as it is not within 500 yards of another blind without mutual consent. It has to be in less than 8 feet of water. It has to be able to conceal 1 or more hunters for the purpose of hunting water fowl. Land owners have the first choice to build a blind on their shore line. If they don't by a certain date then anyone can build. The fee is 18 dollars a year. No one can hunt with in 500 of a licensed blind whether it is occupied or not.

This the condensed version and only applies east of I-95.
Wow, listening to you guys about blind restrictions make me even more thankful for where I am and what we have.
To the original poster Frank, good job making it happen with what you got to work with.
Thanks Michael. We actually did it again Saturday for the goose opener. Limited out on geese and took a mixed bag of 9 ducks (ruddys, bluebills, mallards, and buffleheads). was a great day.

I saw howard posted the blind restrictions for VA. it's a little different up here in that we have to be 400 yards off shore (800 for most of the bay, but things are tighter up here at the top of the bay) and 250 yards from any other rig. We can anchor a boat blind or stand on the natural bottom--which is what we do (the boat rigs don't seem as productive).

You can also license the shoreline for a permanent or floating blind, but like VA, landowner gets first rights. if the landowner doesn't license it (which they often do even if they don't hunt so they can keep the hunters out), then the public gets to sit in an all-morning lottery draw. But to be honest, 99% of the productive shoreline has been locked up for years and either hunted by the landowner or leased out.

Here are a few pics for your enjoyment...

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