I have been saying since Aurora, that my SBE with an extended tube and OO buck could have done more damage than that idiot did... While it maybe a dangerous argument, it is bonding. Far to many people think 2A is about hunting. It is NOT...BUT there are MANY liberals that hunt. I actually think getting the gun grabbers to go for ALL of them.. or semi auto or pump shotguns will get these other hunters to open their eyes and realize that they will go for everything...even if it is in steps...
On that topic, any form of registration is the beginning....
Benelli shotguns are in fact what many gun grabbers do call "assault weapons". They were first intended for and are still widely used by military and swat teams. Anyone who has seen Tom Knapp shoot 9 rounds in two seconds knows how fast they can be fired. There are also reloaders for them that push rounds in as fast as any magazine can be changed.
The bill the witch from CA is pushing would outlaw many turkey hunting shotguns with pistol grips. They want all guns outlawed and will use any tragedy they can.
They don't really care what they look like or how they function it only matters to them that it goes bang.
People who are left to believe they are overly entitled or are devoid of a conscious will find a way. There have been mass stabbings in China recently, it can be done with many weapons.
Between the drug problems people seem to overlook now days (both illegal and legal) and the people with sociopathic behavior that are passed off as just being quiet or misunderstood it is amazing our crime rates have been dropping like they have been... even after the other ban sunset and everyone went nuts buying ARs every time something happened.
The 2nd Amendment is about protecting ourselves from other people and a tyrannical government, not for hunting. Hunting can be stopped tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the way were are headed it will look like european hunting soon anyways.
We like to think of our world as so modern that guns serve no purpose as useful protection form tyranny. But 100 years ago people thought that was modern, two thousand years ago Rome thought that was the modern world. Even before that the Egyptians believed they were as civilized as humans could be. In a hundred years people will change and if the fight is given up now then they will never know the freedoms we do. We can see them eroding from other constitutional rights that nobody would have dreamed possible just a few decades ago.
My one and only $.02 on this subject,