Miramichi Salmon Fishing

Bill Gass

Active member
OK since the waterfowl season is closed in most areas and I see we're getting off topic, I thought I'd share a few photos of my recent trip to the Miramichi river.

Bill G.



Nice fish Bill. How long did you get to go for and where do you stay when you go. Those look like just the ticket for a little off season duck distraction.
Hi Bob

I went for three days 15-17 April and we caught those fish within 500 yards of the boat launch in Blackville. We stayed at a friends cabin in Boiestown. You can read my full trip report at;

Blackville Trip Report

I've fished at Doaktown before but never Blackville so it was my first time fishing in that part of the river. Those are Black Salmon which are the fish that have remained in the river over the winter and lost some of their weight. They tend to be easier to catch than a summer salmon who's mind is more on spawning. The season for them is relatively short as they head back to sea as soon as they are strong enough, usually fishing lasts from 15 April until maybe the first week of May maybe longer depending on the year. The general salmon season is open from 15 April -15 Sept. However after the Black Salmon leave the next big run of salmon isn't until late June early July depending on a whole host of factors. You don't necessarily have to stay at a lodge to fish as a nonresident you do have to be guided. We had a good time it was my nephews first time out black salmon fishing. You can check these three links for river reports.

Doaks Fly Shop

Country Haven

Smoker Brook

Bill Gass
Oromocto, NB
Just got back fro quarryville on the miramichi and got 9 yeaterday, 6 salmon from 30" to 36" and 3 grilsewas grate fun to bad i had to come back home, i will got back on thursday for one last trip.