Mishaps of Dawgs!!the learning curve!!


Well-known member
Well lets see them mishaps your dawg has gotten into or lets here about it.
mine is ;
Daisy NO!! leave it !! NO!!She starts biting jellie fish and ooooweeee that stings and she then starts chew ing sand and moaning and rolling her nose in the sand ,ill have pics after photo bucket gets back up




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I was in the back yard one day, seen a piles of some sort of shit, went in to investigate it, the dog came by smelled it grabed one pile went running away so she could eat it, by the time i got to her it was down the hatch already, 20 min later she was pucking her guts out, an other 20 min the dihrea came on lasted for 8 hrs or so, turned out it was raccoun shit, i trapped and shot a total of 13 since last november. The .22 short and watching a pile of crack corn at night and a baitted bucket hanging in a tree with a 330 conibear over the hole is deadly to those raccouns.
I had a blind on my first duckboat that had the military tank netting. Colby would never hold to the shot and when some ducks came by,me and the guy with me shot..almost exactly at the same time,Colby..who was about a 115lbs at that time..launched through the side of the blind..almost..he was hanging upside down in the water totally wrapped in the netting. He let out a big scream when he did it and my buddies on shore thought I shot him...The guy in the boat with me grabbed one end of the tangle and I grabbed the other and flopped him back in the boat. After that , I made him sit on the bow with and open spot he could get through.Another time we were motoring along at full tilt about an hour before light..Colby always had to stand on the bow with the running lights between his front feet..we were going probably 20mph when he thought he saw something and launched off the bow..all I saw were ears,legs and feet rolling along..had to get the light out to find him..he was swimming after me..so I made him swim the 1/4mi to where we were setting up...took the wheels off him for a while..another time..man I'd forgotten about these...we were chasing a crip and he jumped straight off the front of the boat..luckily my friend saw this and cut the motor and lifted it quick..we went right over him..he acted like nothing happened and swam to get the crip which was 20 yards away..we sat there dumbfounded and I was shaking.
Wow, that's scary funny. Scary when it happened and funny thinking back on it. That last split second lifting the motor sure saved the day. Colby must have wondered why you two were so quiet the rest of the day.

I was cruising around in my old jon boat one day with my second chessie, "Jessie", when we hit a stump at WOT. The impact knocked the tiller out of my hand and then I grabbed the gunnels to keep from falling out. Jessie had been standing on the bow deck at the time and came flying back to me except that the boat jinked when she did and she went over the side. I'll never forget the look on her face, like "what the hell are you DOING?".

Same dog, liked to kill skunks. The last one she killed happened to be coming across the neighbors lawn the night before the duck season opener. Man was that a long night with dish soap and tomato juice. I and my dogs have a long history with skunks that I hope will stay history. No way do I want to repeat any of it.

Another time, we were out for a walk along a railroad track. I don't know where she found it but she waded into a "Puddle" of tar at least 3 inches thick - all four feet were covered in tar and gravel by the time we got back to the house. Took the rest of the day with a can of Bug & Tar remover to get it all off.

You're right Lee, you don't think of these things until someone asks a question like this.
wow! this is great and funny and scary and a great way for a new dawg owner like me to leaRn too..yup you can teach an ol`dawg new tricks.Ill be wary careful with the netting on the boat and Daisy loves the Titanic Kate Winslet thing as well must be wach full there.
As for crap well i got one to ,finaly the missus agrees to go fishin at the camp with Daisy myself and our 4 year old Makayla ,so i usualy let her out within a half mile to let her run along in front of us for the excersise..well just as we slow down to make the turn into the camp road Daisy Smells something and belines for it ,and to all of our disgust was a pile "o" crap and toilet paper ahhhh eeewww grose since we were in the truck she made a quick meal of it ....then she wanted in the truck and yup your right the only thing you could smell instead of regular dawg breath was CRAP !! BAD DAWG! STINKKYDAWG!! Makayla said your gross getaway from me......
Keep them coming guys there has to be hundreds of stories you old dawg owners have locked up in ol`memories
Man, don't even want to remember the mouth full of crap story.
Had lots of stories with my previous lab "Bear". 100 pounds of lean muscle. Very competitive with a partners lab only 3 months difference in age.
Well, I took two clients out on a guided hunt and we were on the edge of flooded millet field. Because of all that competitive fire, Bear had to be tied to keep from jumping in front of the guns. On this hunt we had about 50 mallards land just out of range on far side of the spread. Bear could only stand it so long then went for the ducks. The 35 foot tall tree he was tied to came down on me and my hunters. Fortunately no one was hurt. More than once he would uproot a sapling he was tied to and make a retrieve with half the decoys tangled in the tree.
Oh yeah..dogs and crap...a match made in Heaven. We had a new guy in duck camp who brought his little chocolate bitch that just came out of heat. Colby was about 10 months old at the time and about 80lbs. He got his first whiff of the fairer sex and walked around humping air..when he wasn't trying to mount the other two older female dogs..One was Bezubics old Chessie "Chelsea" and she pierced one of Colby's ears..so he left her alone..Lacy, Iobe's black lab tore into him and he left her alone after that..well..the little chocolate put it in his nose all night and he was absolutely zoned on her and chased her all over the little island. The dud got up from the card table and took a nayure call outside..with toilet paper. We didn't have an outhouse so you took the shovel(porta potti) . After about 15 minutes he came in and sat down..it was apparent that something was fragrantly wrong so we told him he smelled like shit..he said he thought something stunk too and stood up...when he turned around he had a piece of crap stuck on his shirt with a bit of toilet paper which made it even better. Seems he was hunched up next to a path and his chocolate ran up to him seeking protection from Colby's relentless courting..Colby jumped on her and shoved her into him and he went over backwards into his own steamer pile. He ripped the shirt off and burried it but it showed up the next day with a dog attached to it.
My dog Boomer wouldn't hold my fault. Not a big problem when I hunted alone but when I hunted with my partner and his Black lab she had to learn to honor his retrieve. So I had to lease Boomer to a tree near where I sat in the blind. That worked for several years. Finally the tree fell over and I tied the dog to the log that was left, about 8" in dia. and 9' ft long. That worked too, Until one day ducks came in and the two of us were shooting. We had a cripple on the water just out side the decoys. I glanced to my left and Boomer had dragged the log into the water and was heading towards the cripple. All I could think of was a mess of decoys hooked on the log and the dog running out of steam and losing the dog. I made a hundred hundred yard dash to the boat. Now I'm not 18 any more and I got hip boots on. Untied the boat uncovered it, push poled it to deeper water so I could start the motor. All the while expecting to find a submerged dog. I looked up there was Boomer pulling the log with six or seven decoys dragging out side the decoys chasing the cripple. Just before I got to her she got the cripple and I hauled her on board with the duck in her mouth. She had that look on her face look what I got dad. Meanwhile I looked at my hunting partner He was standing there with his mouth open and shaking his head with astonishment. That was Boomers last retrieve of the day, she was out of gas. We quietly contemplated how close we had come to losing one of our buddies.