More Borneo pics.

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
Well, we went on that river trip to look for critters, saw a few. Went to Sepilok to the orangutan rehab, saw a few. And discovered jumping leeches in the bush. Fed a few. I hate leeches, especially ones that can jump on your head from above.

Here's a few pictures to start with.

We spent three nights at a camp on the Kinnabatangan River, and twice a day they take you out to patrol the river looking for stuff. It was a lot like moose hunting except it was nice and warm, even when it rained. And holy cow can it rain here. Like movie rain. The guides were great and very knowledgable.

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Saw several hornbills, including the Rhinocerous Hornbill which is really a splendid looking bird. This one is the more common Oriental I think. I whics I had a better camera as I didn't get many really good pictures on the river.

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Proboscus monkeys were a common sight. They are such a weird looking critter with the big noses, and they smell quite strongly.

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A monitor lizard doing his thing.

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Our camp was quite small, with only a couple of tourist boats and two for going to town.

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Very nice pictures, Mike. I started to wonder about warm rain. That had to feel good. Here, rain feels like it comes out of the frig.
We even managed to Meg to come along on a jungle walk to look for stuff. I won't lie, it wasn't pleasant - very hot, very muddy, leeches, and hardly anything spotted due to us making lots of boot sucking noise schlooping through the muck - but I'm glad for the experience. I'll take bears and frostbite over steamy and giant bugs anyday.

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This would be a Hammerhead leech.

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A pretty flower.

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Another funky plant.

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Pygmy elephant. We were really fortunate to get to see these guys, not because they weren't around (we could hear them around camp at night) but because if they showed themselves along the river they were mobbed by tourist boats. This bull was about 5 yds from where me and Meg were sitting in the front of the boat. Way too close for this guy!

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I need a boot rack like this at home.

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Although we did get lucky enough to see several wild Orangutans on the river, I got no good pictures due to the rain. We went to Sepilok like Paul said to see them at the rehab there. It was actually a pretty good set up and I was happy to support it.

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A sign at the rehab to warn you about the other residents.

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And that's about it. Lots more flower pictures but nothing great.

I guess I really have mixed feelings about this place. Honestly, it is farm country now with little patches of bush that are incredibly diverse in the plants, bugs, reptiles, birds, and mammals packed in there. I don't feel optomistic things will get any better as far as conservation of habitat, which is really sad. It is no different than what we've done in Canada though, except that it was 100 years ago. I'm glad I came here, now, but if I had made a specific trip all the way from home to see wild Borneo, it wouldn't be worth it.

Next stop, Bali.

Looks like a really neat trip Mike. LOVE the elephant picture.

some freaky looking leaches out there too. WOW

I hate leeches also but it does look like it would be good walleye bait. :)
Jumping leeches would drive me as nuts as ticks do.
