Mounting for 9.9 kicker motor on War Eagle Boat

JA keenan

New member
Hi gents

This question is for a friend who is trying to get a 9.9 auxiliary motor mounted on his 19 ft War Eagle that already carries a Suzuki 90. While War Eagle makes a bracket to mount the engine, they're not very clear about where it should go. If anyone has done something like this who can throw some advice this way it'll greatfully received.


Thanks for clearing that one up Tod, does anyone who wasn't dropped on their head as a child have anything to offer?
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Kaaaa ching. Hahahaha That's a good one to remember. Please don't take anything Tod says seriously - he's always like that.

I've mounted a kicker on my Lund but know nothing about the boat in question. Hang the motor where it will fit is what I'd do and adjust it where necessary.

Thanks for the laugh this afternoon.

Just make sure the cavitation plate is only slightly below the bottom and keep it squared and flush and best of all take it to a dealer and pay them to do it.

Always take it easy on yourself when you can afford it.