Mustang hunting Jacket/cold weather hunting?

Bill Ferrar

Well-known member
As you know yesterday a plane went down in the east river.
NY is a great city, where else can a plane crash and you get such a quick respond time. With that being said. They interviewed one of the coastguards. While he was being interviewed they asked if he was afaid of falling in the east river. Without any delay he stated they all wear mustang suvival suits or jacket and had no worrys about falling in the water.
I remember years back wingset sold a survival suit by bouy-o-boy
Mustang also offer a suit.
Does any body wear them for hunting?
Please tell us about the products.
Yes I have a Mustang suit that I wear when I'm sculling and it is very warm and comfortable. Not as comfortable as waders and a jacket but it is making me think more about wearing it all the time. Not a bad idea. I know that Tod Osier wears his all the time. he has a jacket which for regular use would make more sense. HHG
I wear my mustand float coat every day on the water. Over waders you about float on top of the water. You float horizontal, not vertical. The one time I went for a swim in it, it was almost tough get your arms in the water to stroke, I floated that high.

With that amount of insulation (waders and foam insulating your core), I have to believe that it would significantly extend the time in the water. Another advntage is that if you have it zipped you won't experiance the minute or two of initial shock of getting drenched in frigid water. That may give you the time to fix a mistake before it gets real bad.

Mine is several years old and holding up well. it lost it water repellancy, but it is still water proof. when spray is an issue, I wear a slicker over it. I will probably buy a new one in a year or two. It is the mustang bomber jacket, the same as used by many law enforcement agencies.
I wear one all the time. Like Tod said, with neoprene waders on underneath it's like a survival suit.

We sell them, and ended up selling my personal one at a show last year. I waited until this year to replace it, then something happened with our supplier that it took most of this season to get it. Talk about feeling naked!! There was one day sea duck hunting in Mass. that I was REALLY missing it.

I'd recommend the Mustang coat and 5mm waders over the full suit though. My buddy had the full suit (and regular boots) on in Mass this year, and he got wet feet several times getting into and out of the boat, and one time I had to give him a piggy back ride over a deep spot.

Also, the Mustang one is MUCH MUCH better/tougher than the cheap Stearns ones they sell in Cabelas. Mustang is made for the Coast Guard, etc. and very heavy duty. There are also neoprene cinches at the wrists, and a belt to keep it tight.

Take care,
It takes some getting used to. In fact I started wearing mine even field hunting for geese, partly to get it broken in, and partly to stay used to it.
Hey Tod -

These coats, while expensive look like a great idea. On the mustang site they show 2 models of the camo coat - one with a hood marked canada and one without a hood marked us.

Any idea about why the hooded version is only sold in canada ? I assume the camo coats are same specs as the non camo ? Can you swing on a bird wearing these coats ?

thanks for any info,

Hey Tod -

These coats, while expensive look like a great idea. On the mustang site they show 2 models of the camo coat - one with a hood marked canada and one without a hood marked us.

Any idea about why the hooded version is only sold in canada ? I assume the camo coats are same specs as the non camo ? Can you swing on a bird wearing these coats ?

thanks for any info,


Mine is the classic bomber (MJ6214 T1), I haven't seen the Mustang "sportsmans" coat. They look different construction, I don't know if the camo "sportsman" you are talking about is the same quality and construction (I woudl be concerned that they woudl eb cheaper construction). I don't think I would want a full length like that. Camo doesn't interest me, so that isn't an issue.

I have no problem shooting in mine.

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